
Why did my eval. bar turn off?


I was analysing this game:

My opponent played a weird opening that I didn't know and it looked like it transposed to this line: 

So I played it, but then on move 6, the eval bar just suddenly disappeared. I didn't know what happened, so I refreshed my page and tried the same thing again. The eval bar turned off yet again and again on move 6. I am utterly confused right now, so if anyone could go to my game and play those moves with the eval bar turned on and see if the same thing happens to you, that would be great. If you can, click the link and then try to play the moves on the board here. 


chess_olie wrote:

I was analysing this game:

My opponent played a weird opening that I didn't know and it looked like it transposed to this line: 

So I played it, but then on move 6, the eval bar just suddenly disappeared. I didn't know what happened, so I refreshed my page and tried the same thing again. The eval bar turned off yet again and again on move 6. I am utterly confused right now, so if anyone could go to my game and play those moves with the eval bar turned on and see if the same thing happens to you, that would be great. If you can, click the link and then try to play the moves on the board here. 



I'm not seeing that happening.


then it might just be my problem. I tried it again and got the same result :/


It is turning off for me as well. There seems to be a bug.

Have to use LiChess for now but what the heck