
Why do people hate the London System?


Good to know :

Carlsen enjoys to play it.

Kamsky is the worldwide specialist. 


I'm not talking about GMs. They handle the LS differently. Carlsen sometimes play c4 instead of playing c3 all the time. He even exhanged his light squared bishop on d3 against a knight on g6. 

This is something an average ls player will never do because they just memorize all the moves of their system.


It's just boring...


Believe it or not guys. My ratings on chess. Com was somewhere between 1200-1400 but since I started playing London system My rating shoot up to 1700+.


Even 1800+ players can fall for Greek gift😂😂


My only complaint about the London System is that sooooo many people play it at club level, even more so now that Carlsen has played it.


It is a good line its winning percentage is good


I love it , although I dont play it.  Its rather simple,solid and unrefutable. Perfect against booked up juniors.


Why is Federer so good at tennis? Why are Toyota Camrys such horrible vehicles?

Everyone hates the London System because it’s the most boring opening in all of chess, leading to the most boring undynamic positions imagineable. The only reason anyone plays it is to try to bore their opponent into submission. 

I would genuinely quit chess before I would start playing the London System 

Chomky_Cheese wrote:
IMBacon wrote:

If someone says: "Its boring" That translates to: "I dont know what to do"

No. It means its boring

Great post!!


Some people say it is boring. I don’t get that because it can lead to an all-out attack on black’s kingside, much like the Stonewall, with sacs and mating threats on the menu. If black fianchettos kingside white castles queenside and uses queen and bishop battery along with racing the h pawn down the board. Another kingside attack is in play. The opening doesn’t have to be boring at all.


Introduction To The London System...

The Stonewall Attack...



I think the London system is just a system. It is not a serious opening. In faq in the old classical style of chess. The people play the London System but they call Barry Attack, Torre C attack, It part of the Queen Pawn sideline against the Sicilian player. But today marketing makes London a super opening is not. Try the London System again Stockfish and you lost in less than 30 moves. I think London is for lazy people who want to avoid study serious openings.


Je joue dans le système londonien depuis quatre ans et cela m’a permis de passer de 14h00 à 17h00, mais après, c’est trop compliqué, car vos adversaires ont beaucoup de systèmes venimeux et que le blanc n’est pas meilleur que le match nul avec un jeu parfait. Le meilleur système contre cette "ouverture meurtrière" est, selon moi et mes statistiques, la KIA.


Sur ce point tu as raison. Mais jouer le même système tout le temps ne fait pas de vous un meilleur joueur. La meilleure chose à faire est d'étudier les ouvertures et d'apprendre la théorie derrière chaque ligne pour obtenir de bons résultats.


I love the London. My win rate with it is 49%, my loss rate is 39%, and my draw rate is 12%


I mean it’s alright like