
Why do players who lose choose to drop terrible comments?


Hi chessfans, I am wondering aloud why some loquacious loudmouths who have very few chess and human ideologies choose to leave abusive comments after losing terribly.

This is an example "badly overrated player" by deceneu2020;


I practically dint have to think to win this fella and he decided to drop an aggressive comment....I mean, why??


No comments.


on my home page he wrote that stuff, maybe you can't see it because of site regulation and all that.


nope, I see them, most likely low self confidence


Yeah, I dont know why someone cant admit loss, We all play for fun and there's no point making bad comments against stronger players, I dont know if can adress this


SORE LOSERS simple as that.


Is this  the first internet community you joined?


Nope, not really, I'm a pure geek, 24/7 internet freak, check my Blog out and see that...Just that I hate this stuff on It's all too frequent, never happens on chesscube or FIDE arena.

Xsync99 wrote:

Nope, not really, I'm a pure geek, 24/7 internet freak, check my Blog out and see that...Just that I hate this stuff on It's all too frequent, never happens on chesscube or FIDE arena.

There are more sore losers in because it have the most members among online chess community. If you like to play in a less populated chess community to avoid your ego being insulted, that's fine. Being insulted is part of growing up.


Thanks Mandy........quite helpful

If I lose it's my fault, but what I do get upset over is when my opponent will not give me a chance for a rematch. Those one-hit-wonders I assume are scared and don't want to take the chance of losing. I for one don't refuse rematches even when I know it's going to hurt my rating for what little it is. I will leave a comment for these kind of people stating that I would've gave them a rematch. I never trash talk...

I was going to say: "This only happens at very low ELO, at around 1200 this will stop." Then I realized you are 2260 8[


Obviously it happens to all rating ranges!


> choose to leave abusive comments after losing terribly.<

Usually suggests an exceptionally small penis. 




I think it's because they're immature and they think it's clever or something as foolish as that.  Maybe they just don't know better, for which I'd pitty them for not having learned how to get along with others.  Even an introvert like me can coexist if not be friends with many people.  I guess it's just one of those things where you shrug it off and if it's truly bothering you, block the player.  That's what the block function is there for.  I hope that (s)he didn't deeply offend you.


I just disable chat it helps a lot and make it so only freinds can post on your homepage


I recently played a game where my opponent wrote a string of things in the game chat insulting me after I defeated him with some opening tactics play. He also said he was on the phone while he played. I put the fact that he is obviously in a bad mood and the fact that he is apparently on the phone while he is playing me together.

I responded with a paragraph explaining to him that he should be beyond insulting others at his rating. I also explained that I understand that he must be under poor circumstances in his life which have lead to his bad mood and that I hope I can play with him without such distractions impeding his judgement in the future. 

I wished him good luck with resolving his problems and left.


Do we REALLY not understand why someone would say something insulting after losing a game?  




I don't understand why.  I think it's my fault for losing the game because I chose the moves I made.  I could have made different moves to win the game yet I didn't and therefore it's not my opponent's fault.