
Worst Thing To Do On Your First Move

Why is this post so unfunny

Go to a tournament and steal... ahem borrow another king but get kicked out, then come back in disguised as a pawn but get captured and kicked out again, then go to North korea, steal a nuke and ride it back to the building where the tournament was held but the nuke had no explosives in it (see?? NK rly did stop refining uranium!) so u get thrown into jail but u bust out.


  Then u take TNT and blow up the building but TNT failed to go off and u get thrown back into jail.

  Then break out with a shotgun and blast the building's door off but police capture u and u are sentenced to DEATH.


 Of course u bust out and then pour heroin on ur opponent's head and police arrest him for taking drugs and take u off death row tongue.png


is this reddit?







put out th doob

When you see black pieces immediately call out RACIST RACIST RACIST and you realize you have your mic on so your opponent can hear you
And tomorrow you wake up in jail

a random boi has entered but I am pink sheep the greatest sheep of all time so do not disrespect me you pieces of star lord I need my milk though bye har har u are wasting your time reading this I don't care what rules the forum has pink sheep has entered bye this aint the last of me

a random boi has entered but I am pink sheep the greatest sheep of all time so do not disrespect me you pieces of star lord I need my milk though bye har har u are wasting your time reading this I don't care what rules the forum has pink sheep has entered bye this aint the last of me

a random boi has entered but I am pink sheep the greatest sheep of all time so do not disrespect me you pieces of star lord I need my milk though bye har har u are wasting your time reading this I don't care what rules the forum has pink sheep has entered bye this aint the last of me

a random boi has entered but I am pink sheep the greatest sheep of all time so do not disrespect me you pieces of star lord I need my milk though bye har har u are wasting your time reading this I don't care what rules the forum has pink sheep has entered bye this aint the last of me

a random boi has entered but I am pink sheep the greatest sheep of all time so do not disrespect me you pieces of star lord I need my milk though bye har har u are wasting your time reading this I don't care what rules the forum has pink sheep has entered bye this aint the last of me

a random boi has entered but I am pink sheep the greatest sheep of all time so do not disrespect me you pieces of star lord I need my milk though bye har har u are wasting your time reading this I don't care what rules the forum has pink sheep has entered bye this aint the last of me


Think for an hour and then declare publicly "I think I made a mistake!"


Ask around about the location of the fire exit.


Walk to the bookshelf and start reading the FIDE chess rules handbook.


Touch a pawn, let go of it and move another one. When your opponent protests, with a straight face you tell him "it's an online tournament, is it?"


Ask Arisktotle "what's the worst thing to do on your first move?"


Seat instead Aronian, who was late, vs Carlsen!


Take your own chess box out of the bag and use it to replace the setup on the board. To the arbiter you kindly explain that you believe chess is a game of chance and you want to make sure that the chess set is not loaded!

Kiss your opponent
Spartannor wrote:
Kiss your opponent

If it's your gf, why not?

Offer a draw