
Analysis Board - Setting for Arrow to Show Next Move in Stockfish Line


What, this feature was available like 4 days ago and now it's gone?!?!


Where was it available? On the webapp or the phone app?


I also was using this feature, lines were appearing to show the best move that you missed, and now they have gone again, so one has to look at the analysis and then find that position on the board.  A little annoying that it was there before.

Tzesar wrote:

i think its a bug.. if you press one time on report after analysis the arrows will show again

Good call.  You go to analysis, then to report, then back to analysis and it's there. Thanks!


I can't believe this is not a feature on


What are they waiting for ? Still no updates on this ? I'm thinking about switching back to lichess already. 


I second this.


At least I want to hear an explanation of why haven't already implemented this. I find that very strange.

isanakin123 wrote:

At least I want to hear an explanation of why haven't already implemented this. I find that very strange.

It is there, just had to toggle views to make it appear, was some sort of bug.

Now analysis is replaced with "game review" there is a toggle button to enable showing the best move.

Wcndave wrote:

It is there, just had to toggle views to make it appear, was some sort of bug.

Now analysis is replaced with "game review" there is a toggle button to enable showing the best move.


No it isn't. I have a Diamond Membership and am using the latest "Game Review" function which reworked. Here is a screenshot showing the "Analysis tab where cloud engine calculates the 3 best next moves for me on the right, and there is NO way to see or display those engine lines as arrows at the board on the left (c6, e6, e5 etc.). If you have found a way, please replicate, make a screenshot and post it here:


There isn't a way to show the engine suggested moves on the board here. You can show the best previous move after making a move on the board, but that's it.

Skissorion wrote:

No it isn't. I have a Diamond Membership and am using the latest "Game Review" function which reworked. Here is a screenshot showing the "Analysis tab where cloud engine calculates the 3 best next moves for me on the right, and there is NO way to see or display those engine lines as arrows at the board on the left (c6, e6, e5 etc.). If you have found a way, please replicate, make a screenshot and post it here:


Martin_Stahl wrote:

There isn't a way to show the engine suggested moves on the board here. You can show the best previous move after making a move on the board, but that's it.


Ah ok, my bad - talking about two different things.

When you're doing game analysis (now review), it says b5 was good, exd5 was best.  It shows an arrow for the best move you could have made.  This had a bug and was only showing if you switched between views.

The arrows showing the analysis best lines is something I have now seen on another chess-site- able and now I know what you mean.  Yes, that is nice, and would be very useful, to visualise all the lines being shown to you.


please implmeent this


It's ridicoulous, this MUST be a feature!


+1 for desktop please. It's the single one thing that prevents me buying premium 


i can't believe they still haven't implemented this. it's very annoying having to read small text to understand what moves the engine suggest. in lichess it's so much more convenient


This is still not available? Mind-boggling stupidity that it's available on mobile but not desktop. Especially when you can turn on 'threat' arrows but not 'best move' arrows for some reason?


Still not available... what a shame for it should be one of the first thing to implement if we want to analyse our game without having to click on a little coordinate on top right each move...


+1 Please implement this feature 

