
Can log on get to HOME but can't PLAY live game.


Hello everyone Laughing Problem since lastest upgrade which according to subset "friends" affects only me. (Over a larger subset like "all users" somebody else must have had this problem...) Can log on get to HOME but can't PLAY live game. Have a) re-logged in from scratch b) advanced system care scan c) reboot d) iobit antimalware scan e) contacted support (Brenda and Josh sent me nice messages but no solutions) e) tried other internet stuff like streaming google etc all of which work fine. f) pause adblock g) ctrl-F5...BUT STILL CAN GET TO HOME BUT CAN'T PLAY LIVE BLITZ 10MIN GAME IN INTEL I7 WIN7 CHROME. In v2 for example the "play live chess" button leads to a new tab and v2 tries which results in a chrome timeout error. Can't someone flush my buffers server side or at least try to connect as luminarius and try to re-create the problem? I would not be posting this here except support has only sent me two nice messages with no meaningful content in 2 days...Laughing


There wouldn't be anything server-side that would cause issues getting to live, for just a subset of users.


Try clearing your cache. Then, if that doesn't work, flush your DNS settings (from a command prompt, ipconfig /flushdns).


Then, if that doesn't work, try a different browser.


LaughingTry clearing your cache. Then, if that doesn't work, flush your DNS settings (from a command prompt, ipconfig /flushdns).

Tried both. No change. Thx for considering my problem though, more than I can say for support.

I'm relatively sure this is a server side error of the "Heisenbug" type, unfortunately.

Wake up support staff. Do I have some register key zapping to do?


Try using a proxy server that you can trust. Maybe there is a problem between you and the site servers.


SealedCool Martin, sounds like you're a regular computer guy like me (c# developer, though not too internet saavy)...Still, a proxy site, OMG+KMN !! Can you suggest one, never done that before. 


I have used a couple in the past but can't really recommend one. Just trying to eliminate something regional for you.


Martin, found the problem in my internet provider modem had to add the java generated url from v2 to the "whitelist"...thx for the help, got me going in the right direction...Laughing


Dear Amelia of support,

Thanks for really trying the URL

That's what gave me the confidence to dig deeper here "chez moi".

Now things are going to get technical so fasten your seatbelt ;)

Problem turns out to be some combination of update and another automatic update of


otherwise known in France (very common here especially in big cities like Paris) "zive" or "zivebox" ou "box fibre sfr".
This hardware device supplied by the internet provider sfr becomes the first entry point (modem) in a home internet configuration.
So, from browser, in new tab type http://monmodem
then you need username pwd of the device. Then buttons "security" then in security "whitelist"
"add domain" "enable" then "reboot gateway".
Nasty wait as the internet goes out to lunch for awhile. 
And then everything works as before. Think maybe has to do more with sfr update concerning http vs https...which they did same night as yours.
So there you go, now you can help out any French titled players in the same situation !!