
Cannot see chessmen


Ever since went off-line earlier today, I have seen the chess men only in one of my current games. I have only seen the board where I am on move against selimondeer, Ambach, and antoinekhan. Only the thumbnail balloons show the position. The screens where you move have empty boards.

Help us techies; you broke it.

/s/ Pleased2MateU


Try hitting "CONTROL+R" on your keyboard. If that doesn't work, try setting it to a new set of pieces to see if that helps. Then you might be able to change back after that.

Let me know if it works!


you should send erik a message!!!!!!!!!!!!!


add wrote:

you should send erik a message!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is a good time to share a little bit of info: if you need help with something like this, do NOT send me a message :) use the Contact or Help links, or post in the forums if it isn't urgent.

i can't personally do tech support for everyone on the site :)