
disconnection reconnect continuation of game


Hi all and thanx for the wonderful arena. Will pursue tempararily storing disconnected games so that players may continue thier games upon reconection. My point being that your scoring mechanism is flawed by disconnects. I'm not a mathmatical person so I don't profer to know all about your equation but if disconnects are not in the equation then the scoring is inadvertently flawed. not that it realy matters, but I find it frustrating to be in winning positions only to be disconnected and wind up with a loss recorded. I understand this is beta so I dont expect anything I merely suggest that game storing have a restart mechanism from the point of disconection. Cheers from Dan


Yes, we are working on a better system to handle disconnections during games in the Live Chess. Hopefully in the future we will be able to make it so that if you are disconnected in the middle of a live game then the game will be adjourned rather then automatically forfeited.


looking forward to that day.


my own disconnect 'rate' dropped drastically after I replaced the linksys router cable to the modem. 


however, comcast keeps getting 'trashed' by system for reasons I know not (cable tv signal 'tears' picture into digital pixels at times....  ) and my disconnects continue.


Thanks, wow, staff who actually reply. Cheers mate. Go have a beer. I'm new to this site and went straight to live chess. I just found your on line game a few hours ago. So now I have a heap of games on the go & I'm happy as. (still I would like to see live games without the problems of disconnection). I like your adjurnment idea for disconnections. I can see it is a tedious one as some may possibly disconnect on purpose to benifit themselves (cheat), but that wasn't my notion or taken as implied by you. Good luck with it. You have many spirited players hoping for your success.