
Help! The logo has become as a "watermark" on my mobile and can't get rid of it!


So yeah, I've been playing some chess on my mobile and I've noticed that the logo (just the text without the pawn) is stuck on my mobile screen no matter where I go, it's barely noticeable (it has like 95% transparency so it's only noticeable on apps with dark mode) but it's still here and it annoys me. I've tried to delete the app and restart my phone but it's still here stuck forever... Also if I try to screenshot to see if the logo will be in the image, it's not there. Is there anything I can do to get rid of it? Thanks.

AurisTFG wrote:

So yeah, I've been playing some chess on my mobile and I've noticed that the logo (just the text without the pawn) is stuck on my mobile screen no matter where I go, it's barely noticeable (it has like 95% transparency so it's only noticeable on apps with dark mode) but it's still here and it annoys me. I've tried to delete the app and restart my phone but it's still here stuck forever... Also if I try to screenshot to see if the logo will be in the image, it's not there. Is there anything I can do to get rid of it? Thanks.

Which app?

AurisTFG wrote:

So yeah, I've been playing some chess on my mobile and I've noticed that the logo (just the text without the pawn) is stuck on my mobile screen no matter where I go, it's barely noticeable (it has like 95% transparency so it's only noticeable on apps with dark mode) but it's still here and it annoys me. I've tried to delete the app and restart my phone but it's still here stuck forever... Also if I try to screenshot to see if the logo will be in the image, it's not there. Is there anything I can do to get rid of it? Thanks.


If you use the app a lot, it could be screen burn-in. I had that happen with a different app on an older phone. Not anything the site can help with and has something to do with the quality of the screen and how long the app stays open.


At least, I've never heard of anything else like that where something would survive app removal and reboots.

  1. notmtwain wrote:
    AurisTFG wrote:

    So yeah, I've been playing some chess on my mobile and I've noticed that the logo (just the text without the pawn) is stuck on my mobile screen no matter where I go, it's barely noticeable (it has like 95% transparency so it's only noticeable on apps with dark mode) but it's still here and it annoys me. I've tried to delete the app and restart my phone but it's still here stuck forever... Also if I try to screenshot to see if the logo will be in the image, it's not there. Is there anything I can do to get rid of it? Thanks.

    Which app?

The app is called "Chess - Play and Learn"


Android or iOS?



Get PREMIUM to get rid of the logo. Thanks happy.png

ThomasenJg wrote:

Get PREMIUM to get rid of the logo. Thanks

Nah thanks lad I'd rather get laid and smoke some wooden sticks


Same is happening with me.Whatever i run on my phone and its in white mode when i look deeply all squares and written on top is visible.Although it does not irritate me bit i was curious how could that happen


Same issue here. The same damn logo persists on my mobile screen when I leave the app. 


I have the same problem. I don't know if it's the apps fault or the device manufacturer. 

areman66 wrote:

I have the same problem. I don't know if it's the apps fault or the device manufacturer. 


Nowadays it comes down to display quality.


I have this issue on my android Samsung S20 which is a flagship mobile

spydaheimo wrote:

I have this issue on my android Samsung S20 which is a flagship mobile

Screen burn in isn't something the app would have any influence on. If the screen has an issue, any long used app can cause it.

AurisTFG wrote:

So yeah, I've been playing some chess on my mobile and I've noticed that the logo (just the text without the pawn) is stuck on my mobile screen no matter where I go, it's barely noticeable (it has like 95% transparency so it's only noticeable on apps with dark mode) but it's still here and it annoys me. I've tried to delete the app and restart my phone but it's still here stuck forever... Also if I try to screenshot to see if the logo will be in the image, it's not there. Is there anything I can do to get rid of it? Thanks.

This issue results on any screen it just depends on how much the app is open and where. It’s not a thing


I have the same problem! Now that that I see it; I can't unsee it! Samsung Galaxy S20


Yep, and it is getting worse on the S20... In the end I saw the whole chess board on my screen.... Use Lichess as well, so you don't always have the same screen and logo and your phone can compensate, I guess this is the best tip for this issue