How to access if it's blocked at school!

My parents searched this and blocked all of this in my iPad pls make another one pls pls pls and don’t post it on bc they will already block that

what abt
So.... are there any new websites, because as I try to access the and that ---- well, its not garbage ---- I can't play any 4 player and variants. Someone have something about this, or how I can play them? Honestly its just saying connecting... for infinity or it just wont load the game itself. Anyone else have the same problem?
So.... are there any new websites, because as I try to access the and that ---- well, its not garbage ---- I can't play any 4 player and variants. Someone have something about this, or how I can play them? Honestly its just saying connecting... for infinity or it just wont load the game itself. Anyone else have the same problem?
that sounds like an issue on your end.... idk