
Lesson introductory comments truncated


I am having trouble viewing some of the introductory comments in the Lessons. I am working on the first set of Endgame lessons on "Rooks and Other Endgames," written by Jeremy Silman. The page listing all the lessons in the set has a thumbnail of the board position for that lesson and an introductory comment next to the thumbnail. The comments are very useful, but many are truncated. For example, the third lesson on "King and Rook versus pawn" ends with "To see just..."  There is more to read where the ellipsis appears, but I cannot find a way to view the missing part. (See the bottom of the attached image for a screen capture.)  Can someone tell me how to do it?null


Just go to V2 if you want to see those comments...null

Or you can hold your breath until it gets fixed.


Thanks for your reply, but I do not understand it.  You say to "go to V2" to see the comments.  What is V2?  Also, your screen capture looks very different from anything I have seen.  Yours shows the title of the lesson in the upper right with a large "Your Move" button below the title and then the complete introductory comment below that.  I have not seen that display of the lesson.  The view I have is shown in the attached screen capture.  How did you get your viewnull?  (Note: I am using a Mac computer, not a PC.  Perhaps that makes a difference.)


The previous version of the website is known as V2.  It has been made non-functional for the most part now.

However, the current version still included a link to it on the menus until very recently. Now they have it hidden the link in the settings pages.


Good.  Thank you very much for your help, notmtwain.