
LIVE opponents aborting because of color?


Hello ALL!

I'll get right to IT...

I am tired of playing, or TYRYING to play opponents in LIVE games who don't get White (the usual and obvious preference for most!) and immediately abort the game!

I've searched the forums and settings, and haven't found the answer yet as to how to aviod this.

EX. A simple setting like..."avoid players who's abort game % is..." etc...

I read that choosing a preferred color is no longer an option, which is great!

But there doesn't seem to be any sort of remedy or PENALTY, or even a setting to combat this form of cheating IMO, or AT LEAST, to get their "edge" as White (again, usually)

Have a missed something that HAS put in place for these actions?

Is there a way to avoid this cowardly behavior IMO?

If there isn't a PENALTY for aborting on move #1! due to lack of color prefernce, there def. should be as far as I'm concerned.

Can anyone help me with this dilemma please.

It's just not fair IMO.




Two things:

Aborting because of colour won't help you because the system tries to balance out your colour match ups.

Aborting for any reason will actually hurt you because is now tracking these and repeat abusers are losing their ability to play.

TheGrobe wrote:

Two things:

Aborting because of colour won't help you because the system tries to balance out your colour match ups.

Aborting for any reason will actually hurt you because is now tracking these and repeat abusers are losing their ability to play.

Good stuff! 




More specifically: 


definately see this alot.  But IMO I don't mind cause it shows weekness on their part.  Probably playing pet openings so I try and mix up move orders and transpose favorably.  Or play an real conservative defense like the pirc.. they wont be able to form plan in their tricks don't materialize.  Black or white midgame tactics should be same unless you are playing at high level..  Nice to see taking action on matters.  alot of sites, actually every other chess site save this one and one other are pretty a much a joke.