
Mobile chess on N8 (Nokia)

RoseQueen1985 wrote:

^ I have an Iphone 4 and everything works in it. Every mayor site is always like "OMG WE NEED TO CREATE APP FOR IPHONE" so as far as entertaiment goes,I'm good.

I gave up on Nokia after the N8. Cool phones, but not up to stuff. And I had an N97 and 5800. I still have the N97 mini and keep it for when I travel to South America. I don't dare the take the Iphone there as those people are so piss poor they would probably gut me and kill me for it.

 Apart from the apps.. the i phone doesnt convince me its any better and loses on things mentioned above.. Nokia will come back strong with the  teaming up thing with microsoft.. Better value for money the N8.. Kicks the iphone's ass imho


Well there is the pro's and cons for both arguments so its a matter of choice, Nokia have a ceiling with Symbian it seems and they will rightly move on, but my point is that i wouldnt slam the N8 when the i phone has many floors of its own.

Nokia is holding it's own with the N8 but in moving on from Symbian the gap will be closed and hopefully restored back to no1.. we will have to wait and see.


Only time will tell i suspect.. its quite a powerful joining of force and technology so im expecting big things..

Col_Davo wrote:


I got working on Nokia N8 using the (opera mini browser) app from ovistore. Once downloaded you can search/add/login etc just like on your pc and the game userface is no different but you cannot drag and drop instead you highlight a square with your finger and highlight another square for your move before submitting it.. have a go! Good luck


Thanks for the tip Col. So far it works fine.

i have download mobile aplication but i am using nokia n8 its not working screen touch.
kohai wrote:

If you type into google nokia abandons symbian there are over ten pages showing articles on it

Nokia belle is nothing more than a symbian with a new name and some software updates.

Is correct to say that Nokia abandoned Symbian name. The platform was not abandoned yet.


i have nokia c6 01 mobile but i cant play live chess on my mobile