
New Live Chess Format with our Customized Theme Background ...



Tnx Very Much for the Nice,New Format but can u plz make the Fonts for our Usernames n' Clock Timers ( right on top n' below our Live Chess Game's Board ) ,to be the Default Black color, .. coz my Customized Font color is too light to be seen n' if I edit it to be darker ,then I can't see my Fonts against my Very Dark Background on my Profile Page ?

( similarly for the 'Moves' Font color )

Currently,I can't see both my n' my Opponent's Clocks (font too light) whilst playing Live .

TNX So Much !


I got around this problem by using a medium green font that shows well on white and black.


Tnx piphilologist , but I need a very light font color that stands out against my Pitch Black Background .. yrs is a grey background .


Have you checked it again recently?

We actually fixed this by putting a border around the board... You may have to refresh the page to see it.


I've seen this .. but the Words 'Black' and Timer/Clock , '0:00'  comes up in my customized Font color which is a very light blue ( coz I need that color for it to be seen on my Profile Page ) ,so it's not visible against the White Background here .

Similarly with the 'Simple Board' Format too .

If u can revert it to the Default Black color,my Problem will be solved .

Kikyo_Sushi wrote:

Tnx piphilologist , but I need a very light font color that stands out against my Pitch Black Background .. yrs is a grey background .

Well i tested it and it shows up fine on a black background as well as white and grey. the colour is #66cc33 you could try it on your theme


Tnx a lot for yr Help but I'm afraid it won't match my Theme n' I like my bluish white font color very very much .


Yeah, even I had the problem but simple board fixed this. Although in your case that doesn't help. Btw a temporary fix is to highlight - using your cursor - your clock and username, this will at least let you see your timer. Hope this helps.


Tnx but it's hard to highlight it whilst playing tho ,sometimes it shows up but sometimes it doesn't ..

Anyway,I've been playing without looking at the Clocks n' I can still Win ( I play mostly 10/0 or 15/0 )  .. act,I play kinda better minus the Time Pressure,I think .. lol Laughing.. but lost quite a number on time ( a few of them with a few moves left to mating my Opponent ) ,coz don't know/lost track of d time/too slow.

Anyway,hope they can make the fonts Black again,if possible .. Tnx.


Nvmind already .. I've edited my font color ,by making it darker n' it's ok now ,on both my Live Chess n' Profile Page ie. Smile

Tnx Anyway.