
Opponent takes long vacation : how to abort the game ?


My opponent hasn't moved in over 3 weeks. I see they've claimed six weeks more vacation. I don't want this dragged on that long. How to abort the game without resigning ?

little_ernie wrote:

My opponent hasn't moved in over 3 weeks. I see they've claimed six weeks more vacation. I don't want this dragged on that long. How to abort the game without resigning ?

You can't. If you want it to go away, the only thing you can do is to resign.

Why does it bother you? Presumably you have other games to keep you busy.



notmtwain wrote : Why does it bother you? 

There are several issues about leaving a game incomplete :

  1. It's something unfinished, something I must remember to check in future. And recheck & recheck as the weeks go by.

  2. My thoughts about the position & plan fade with time. 

  3. Interest in the game diminishes as weeks go by.

  4. One wonders why an individual begins a game if they're not going to finish in a reasonable time.

  5. This is not a matter of a few days.  Often an opponent takes 2-3 days to respond.  That's fine.  This is many weeks.

  6. Yes, there are other games. I want to bring this game to closure and go on with other things. Vacations this long should not be permitted, or the opponent allowed to abort the game. 

little_ernie wrote:

My opponent hasn't moved in over 3 weeks. I see they've claimed six weeks more vacation. I don't want this dragged on that long. How to abort the game without resigning ?



It troubles me in the same way. Players repeatedly go on vacation when they get into a losing position. I used to belong to a real correspondence chess club in the old days, vacation time was not permitted and resignation was the only option. I believe other sites do not allow vacation time. It is about time something was done about this.


Agree. This seems to happen when they are losing

xdfgnkhbvf70 wrote:

Agree. This seems to happen when they are losing

If a member is using vacation to prolong a hopelessly lost game then you can report it to support using the Help option in the menu.


I looked up their profile and they were still playing a dozen other games, so I messaged them. They were one move away from checkmate. I had to threaten to report them but they played the move and the game is over now. Such poor sportsmanship.