
Reset tactics history


Can someone tell me how to reset my tactics history? It was straightforward in the old and I've tried resetting several times on that site but my history remains intact on the Android app and on the new site. The change to the ratings system that was forced onto paying customers without notice (another story entirely) has destroyed my tactics progress and I'm so aggravated I'd just like to start all over with a clean slate.

Any help is much appreciated.


Settings > Tactics and Reset Training


I saw another recent post that the history sticks around, as does the graph (though I'm not positive on that and I only see 6 attempted tactics on your stats), but your rating should reset at least. You might need to clear the app cache too on your device.


Thanks. It's now reset properly. I was having a bit of a moment and being impatient. I still think it's silly you have to revert back to the 'old' to accomplish this in the first place.


The location in my post is how to do it on the default site.