
SIck of looking


At that is better with a modern browser message 100 times a day 





yeah I'd like to know how to not get the message that  my connection would be better if I used chrome or google browser. My connection is fine and I don't like google or chrome.  I use internet explorer. So how do I get rid of this constant annoyance of a message about changing my browser.


Chrome is the best - it happens on everyone - IE is a joke 


no I have no problem with internet explorer and have problems with google and fox. I hust want the add to stop popping up a million times.   why cant you understand we just want to stop seeing the add? you feeling ok?



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I'm sorry you find that message annoying; we only mean to help. 

I'm honestly amazed you have a good experience with internet explorer. I find it almost unusable. 


Help with what? Do you seriously think chess players are unaware of how to use a browser or which one they prefer? I think I will just quit - it is that annoying - have a gudun


Lets assume this message does some good - does it have to shown every time one goes to a game? Why not put a limit about how many times one has to see it in an hour - how about one.


Seems to be gone - thanks - much better