
A Challenging Mate In 5-Can you find the first move?

RewanDemontay wrote:

That doesn't work Arisktotle-after 1... Nh5 2. e8=Q also works. Is there something amiss with your diagram.

You are right! But I never saw your rook promotion in the first place so I didn't know it needed to be rescued! Makes your problem even better!


1Rh6 Ne6 2.Bxe6 a6 3.e8=B a5 4.Bxc6 a4 5.Qxg2#


1.Rh6 New 2.Bxe6 a5 3.e8=B a4 4.Bh5 Bf6 5.Bhxg4#

RewanDemontay wrote:


Here is another one I've made in the meantime that has a different promotion pair.

Mate In 4 Moves

It is OK but has a weakness in the dual checkmate by the promoted knight. Dual checkmates do not always matter but it bothers in one of the thematic lines. The #4 doesn't have the brilliant key move of the #5 problem but the starting diagram does have the proper material! 


Another version. Loses a try but gains a diamond.



Arisktotle wrote:

Another version. Loses a try but gains a diamond.



A brilliant diamond!

I've been in contact with Hauke Reddman and he has made a full-fledged Indian version of my problem. The only drawback to these probems is the repeated mate after Rxb7 as in the bishop promotion variation. Can that be fixed?


That will be kind of hard considering the similarity in the relationship between the rook and the bishops on the long diagonal. I tried to stick close to your original and that restricts the options.

replaced by #54!



Wow, I learned a new lesson about underpromoting.


estuvo bueno


I forgot to replace the wQ with a bishop which is of course possible after the one on the promotion line has gone. That gives us 3 black squared bishops during the solution! The next diagram is some steps up from the last one and yields 2 extra checkmate variations. The main lines are stilll very similar to the original though!



@RewanDemontay love the first puzzle! Underpromotion is always cool, and usually it's just a knight doing what a queen can't, but the bishop promotion is very fun! (also, my engine struggled a surprising amount for a mate in 5)
