
A Powerful Combination


After sacrificing (not completely intentionally) most of my pieces in a recent game I played, I managed to find an interesting combination that won the game. See if you can find it!


wow that was awesome, great job


That is amazing!!  When did you see the combination and how long did it take you to find it?  Even knowing there was a winning line, I messed up on two moves.


Wow, that was a neat combination (while I revive a forum about 5 years old). I spent a little bit of time on this position before I moved; I missed 4.Nc6+!, although it was easy after that.

Cool puzzle. happy.png

Great game
saculnomekop wrote:
Why the bump??? Hi AaronGo

Because it naturally cycled back up to the top of the forum page when I saw this forum and I realized the original date when I was commenting (so I just added this observation in my post)

saculnomekop wrote:
Why the bump??? Hi AaronGo

Even after five years, I still did not see the combination.  hi saculnomekop