
Daily Puzzle Submissions! *Be Involved*


Lasker Trap:

mattjchessum wrote:

so unrealistic, it's stupid - 2 white bishops. and Qd4# is mate without wasting time.

um, white is in check

chessgdt wrote:
mattjchessum wrote:

so unrealistic, it's stupid - 2 white bishops. and Qd4# is mate without wasting time.

um, white is in check

True, and two white bishop IS possible (after a dumb pawn trade). However there is no logic in the steps. For the first move almost all king moves are good. The Bishop move is completely illogical (it's giving itself for free). The Queen check is only a check but Qb8+ achieves a better position. Black has the possibility to go between the Bishops. But no black put's the bishop back where he started (and only THEN does he seal his fate). Conclusion: this isn't a real puzzle (where there is only 1 path and where opponent plays smart).

mattjchessum wrote:
chessgdt wrote:
mattjchessum wrote:

so unrealistic, it's stupid - 2 white bishops. and Qd4# is mate without wasting time.

um, white is in check

oops :3

For one with an 1844 rating, you should've noticed that within 2 seconds.


This endgame can be easily won.


Opening game encounter: After mirrorring previous moves (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Nxe5 Nxe4)  I decided to offer a white knight for the loss of the black kings castling freedom (4.Nxf7 Kxf7). Just a handy tool for 1min games? or did I not really just loose two points?


sotyguitarist wrote:
check this out...mate in 7...really nice!!!!

What if black takes with knight or pawn?

smattaih wrote:

Opening game encounter: After mirrorring previous moves (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Nxe5 Nxe4)  I decided to offer a white knight for the loss of the black kings castling freedom (4.Nxf7 Kxf7). Just a handy tool for 1min games? or did I not really just loose two points?



I like the idea of not just Qf3+ cause that would only draw the king back and the board and position wouldnt be that open for black. Instead you go all the way around and make the pawns come out, with the same result of  taking the Knight with the Queen


I like the idea of not just Qf3+ cause that would only draw the king back and the board and position wouldnt be that open for black. Instead you go all the way around and make the pawns come out, with the same result of  taking the Knight with the Queen

Well it's actually more that Qf3+ looks straightforward but doesn't really win you the knight. After Qf3+, nf6 defends the king while putting the knight out of danger. Even more the knight defends the future d5 pawn blocking a possible Bishop attack.


chessnoob, it is checkmate in one if you do Rxh5




#1545: What about:

1. Rf1 Kg8 2. Bc4+ Kh8 3. Rf8#.


#1575: why on earth would black move it's queen away from the 6th rank? personally I thing Qh6 or Qf6 would be a much more appropriate response from black

forkman wrote:
Here's a puzzle I made up. 



#1578: it is a mate in four, but there are more solutions.

1. Rh5:+ gh5: 2. Qg5 Qg1+ 3. Rg1: Rg8 4. Qh5:#

1. Rh5:+ gh5: 2. Qg5 Qg1+ 3. Rg1: Be5: 4. Qg7#

1. Rh5:+ Kg8 2. Qh6 Qg1+ 3. Rg1: Be5: 4. Qg7#

chesscrazy127 wrote:
mate in 2
the difficuty is easy......

I think your right,1.Qxa2+...KxQa2,now to go back and see where white stand's now,I don't think there is even another check for black,good find chesscrazy127

oginschile wrote:

True, Nxa2 isn't forced, but 2. Kxa2 is mated by 2... Ra7#. Since the puzzler doesn't 'make' white's move... you simply have to respond to the move made.

The smothered mate isn't forced, but it is a forced mate in 2.

Should'nt it be 1.Qxa2+...Kxa2,not 2.Kxa2?

apple127 wrote:
hold on forkman, isn't the first move knight d6 mate?

Your right! Nd6#,and on next puzzle Rh5#,good spot,I found both of them also,good day!!!

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