
Mate in 2 contest - Nov '12


good puzzleSmile


Here's one: (tell if there is a problem with it!)

Caiello wrote:

Here's one: (tell if there is a problem with it!)


There is no cook, but the key makes 3 threats and black only has one defensive move (1...Nxf2) that stops all 3.


Good puzzle Caiello. I've put you on the list Cool.


can it possible Asorski


 but good puzzle Asorski

anupralhad wrote:

 but good puzzle Asorski

No. 1. Nxd7 N4d3!


In Asorski's puzzle, especially Nc2 and d6 will spoil many attempts. 

The only real good threat is Nxd7 covering c5 and e5 which is refuted by N4d3 covering c5 and e5 as well.

The key Rc5 takes out both natural defensive moves Nc2 and d6, covering e5 in case of d6 and pinning both knights to the defense of c4 and d5.
The key gives a flight square capturing a rook and puts black in Zugzwang which is pretty nice.
Also the problem seems to be free of duals. 

Still the problem has minor drawbacks as well:

- The resulting mates are not efficient.
- The key is easy to find as the queen is pinned and King, knights and pawn have no interesting moves.
- Multiple black moves allow the same mate. 


sorry; i meant this one 



 EDIT:- 2 Mates are possible





the actual puzzle starts here :








I'm GM_Shubham, by the way. VISIT :


Here is my puzzle for this contest. With just 12 pieces:

                            White mates in 2


I'm allowed to stick in just 1 more piece, right? Smile


this is mine even though i am late 8 days -can i still join?

chesskingdreamer wrote:

this is mine even though i am late 8 days -can i still join?


Qc8 Qxd5

y2721 wrote:

I'm allowed to stick in just 1 more piece, right?

I don't think that's what you want...just 1.Ke3 and 2.Nxh2 works, right?


Isn't that what I posted? Remember, the last time I posted, Adirandmen said there we two solutions, 1.b5, and 1.Ke3. So I got rid of b5.

y2721 wrote:
chesskingdreamer wrote:

this is mine even though i am late 8 days -can i still join?


Qc8 Qxd5



Great puzzles y2721 and Chesskingdreamer. Added you two on the list...


Just 9 days left. Hurry up and submit a puzzle... With 8 - 12 pieces.


I'm just saying, you should put the more experienced problem makers in one group and the less experienced in another. (That was a suggestion)

y2721 wrote:

I'm just saying, you should put the more experienced problem makers in one group and the less experienced in another. (That was a suggestion)

How to discriminate?
Learning the basics of chess composition takes only minutes:
- Get your tactical idea(s).
- Find an idea for a key.
- Build the position.
- Check beauty of the key (Is it obvious, capture, check or threatmate?)
- Check correctness of the key with an engine. (Only solution?)
- Check legality of position. 
- Check for duals and other minor issues (by hand and/or special software). 
- Improve the flaws you found. 

Once you read that you could compose good problems.
Learning more things is quite easy as well. Just read an article or two on wikipedia or google for related topics.