
black rabbit. music blog fantasy






Old Crow Medicine Show - Wagon Wheel [Official Music Video]


John Denver - Country Roads


Paul Simon and Ladysmith Black Mambazo - "Diamonds On The Soles Of Her Shoes" (4/6) HD


Imagine Dragons - Roots Guitar Cover


 Hope. From Lozano's words sprang Herrera's verse

Herrera was in the middle of wrapping Christmas presents for his grandchildren. He said the poem was a gift, too: to Inlandia, to the Inland Empire, to all the first responders like Det. Lozano and all the victims of the shooting. It fulfills what he sees as his duty as poet laureate. The poem, he noted, takes only 35 mindful seconds to read.

"Those are 35 seconds that I want to happen, as opposed to 35 seconds of anger or revenge or apathy," Herrera said.

I’ll Take a Bullet for You

…as Detective Lozano led them to safety. Inland Regional Center —
following the mass shooting in San Bernardino and all the kind 
responders at the scene and beyond.

I’ll take a bullet for you
Detective Jorge Lozano said
from the chasm of sprinklers spilling and leaving 
he walked the living wounded
he did not utter words it was his heart that moved
the innocent followed

in the shattered corners we heard you even though
we were lost in the complex tears of the digital screen
Hope — we had not heard the word how could there be such
an odd weaving breathing thing bitten we thought — after Paris

razors and hard waters were rising I’ll take a bullet you said
we said that too listening to you 
esperanza hope we whispered picking up our children
after school shuffling dim at a tree farm

we bow as we plant this greenness in the center 
of our brown house
it seems to 
touch the sky

— Juan Felipe Herrera
Poet Laureate of the United States, 12-23-15


When Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara was practicing the profound Perfection of the Wisdom (prajna paramita), he illuminated the Five Appearances (skandha) and saw that they are all empty (shunya), and he crossed beyond all suffering and difficulty.
Shariputra, form does not differ from emptiness; emptiness does not differ from form. Form itself is emptiness; emptiness itself is form. So too are feeling, cognition, formation, and consciousness.
Shariputra, all teachings (dharma) are empty of characteristics. They are not produced, not destroyed, not defiled, not pure; and they neither increase nor diminish. Therefore, in emptiness there is no form, feeling, cognition, formation, or consciousness; no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, or mind; no sights, sounds, smells, tastes, objects of touch, or dharmas; no field of the eyes up to and including no field of mind consciousness; and no ignorance or ending of ignorance, up to and including no old age and death or ending of old age and death. There is no suffering, no accumulating, no extinction, and no Way, and no understanding and no attaining.
Because nothing is attained, the Bodhisattva through reliance on prajna paramita is unimpeded in his mind. Because there is no impediment, he is not afraid, and he leaves distorted dream-thinking far behind. Ultimately Nirvana! All Buddhas of the three periods of time attain anuttara-samyak-sambodhi through reliance on prajna paramita. Therefore know that prajna paramita is a Great Spiritual Mantra, a Great Bright Mantra, a Supreme Mantra, an Unequalled Mantra. It can remove all suffering; it is genuine and not false. That is why the Mantra of Prajna Paramita was spoken. Recite it like this: Gaté Gaté Paragaté Parasamgaté. Bodhi Svaha!

Faye Wong - Heart Sutra (2009) Full ver


Dalai Lama reciting prajna paramita heart sutra mantra -

gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha


Faye Wong - The Look of Love

Image result for Faye Wong - The Look of Love



Taoist Tai Chi Society

i've practiced tai chi for 2 years in the late 80s. it was awesome, maybe the best time of my life


Megadeth - Kingmaker (VEVO Presents)


DJ Gollum vs. Basslovers United - Narcotic (Money G Video Edit) Official Video

Image result for DJ Gollum vs. Basslovers United images


Nouela - The Sound of Silence (Amazing cover of Simon & Garfunkel's song)


Willie Nelson & Carole King - "Will You Still Love Me tomorrow"


Image result for don't be afraid images
Image result for don't be afraid images

Don't Be Afraid

David Guetta - Shot Me Down ft. Skylar Grey (Lyric Video)


Image result for winning  imagesAleah Breathe

6 Things to Remember When Having a Winning Position

1. Don't Relax!

2. Senza fretta!

3. Don’t be afraid!

4. Limit your opponent's counterplay!

5. Second weakness!

6. Never expect your opponent to resign!


Betty Davis - F.U.N.K.


Music information retrieval by detecting mood via computational media aesthetics

It is well known that music can convey emotion and modulate mood, to retrieve music by mood is sometimes the exclusive manner people select music to enjoy. We concentrate on music retrieval by detecting mood. Mood detection is implemented on the viewpoint of computational media aesthetics, that is, by analyzing two music dimensions, tempo and articulation, in the procedure of making music, we derive four categories of mood, happiness, anger, sadness and fear. Concretely, with regard to music in the format of raw audio, after tempo is detected using a multiple agent approach, a feature called relative tempo is calculated, and after the mean and standard deviation of the feature called average silence ratio in the presented computational articulation model are calculated, a simple BP neural network classifier is trained to detect mood. Users retrieval music by browsing the 3D visualization of feature space associated with specific mood. We report the experimental result on a test corpus of 353 pieces of popular music with various genres.


Published in:

Web Intelligence, 2003. WI 2003. Proceedings. IEEE/WIC International Conference on

Dayton Sidewinders - slipping into darkness


But it does not require much analysis to see that grace or the absence of grace accompanies good or bad rhythm.
None at all.
And also that good and bad rhythm naturally assimilate to a good and bad style; and that harmony and discord in like manner follow style; for our principle is that rhythm and harmony are regulated by the words, and not the words by them.
Just so, he said, they should follow the words.
And will not the words and the character of the style depend on the temper of the soul?
And everything else on the style?
Then beauty of style and harmony and grace and good rhythm depend on simplicity, – I mean the true simplicity of a rightly and nobly ordered mind and character, not that other simplicity which is only a euphemism for folly?
Very true, he replied.

Music and Mood


Music’s beneficial effects on mental health have been known for thousands of years. Ancient philosophers from Plato to Confucius and the kings of Israel sang the praises of music and used it to help soothe stress. Military bands use music to build confidence and courage. Sporting events provide music to rouse enthusiasm. Schoolchildren use music to memorize their ABCs. Shopping malls play music to entice consumers and keep them in the store. Dentists play music to help calm nervous patients. Modern research supports conventional wisdom that music benefits mood and confidence.

Because of our unique experiences, we develop different musical tastes and preferences. Despite these differences, there are some common responses to music. Babies love lullabies. Maternal singing is particularly soothing, regardless of a mom’s formal musical talents or training. Certain kinds of music make almost everyone feel worse, even when someone says she enjoys it; in a study of 144 adults and teenagers who listened to 4 different kinds of music, grunge music led to significant increases in hostility, sadness, tension, and fatigue across the entire group, even in the teenagers who said they liked it. In another study, college students reported that pop, rock, oldies, and classical music helped them feel happier and more optimistic, friendly, relaxed, and calm.

Music, Attention, and Learning

Everyone who has learned their ABCs knows that it is easier to memorize a list if it is set to music. Scientific research supports common experience that pairing music with rhythm and pitch enhances learning and recall. Music helps children and adolescents with attention problems in several ways. First, it can be used as a reward for desired behavior. For example, for paying attention to homework for 10 minutes, a child can be rewarded with the opportunity to listen to music for 5 minutes. Second, it can be used to help enhance attention to “boring” academic tasks such as memorization, using songs, rhythms, and dance or movement to enhance the interest of the lists to be memorized. Instrumental baroque music is great for improving attention and reasoning. For students, playing background music is not distracting. Third, musical cues can be used to help organize activities – one kind of music for one activity (studying), another for a different activity (eating), and a third kind for heading to bed. Fourth, studies show that calming music can promote pro-social behavior and decrease impulsive behavior.

Music and Anxiety

Many people find familiar music comforting and calming. In fact, music is so effective in reducing anxiety, it is often used in dental, preoperative, and radiation therapy settings to help patients cope with their worries about procedures. Music helps decrease anxiety in the elderly, new mothers, and children too. Music’s ability to banish worries is illustrated in the Rogers and Hammerstein lyrics,

“Whenever I feel afraid, I hold my head erect
And whistle a happy tune, so no one will suspect I’m afraid…
And every single time,
the happiness in the tune convinces me that I’m not afraid.”

Any kind of relaxing, calming music can contribute to calmer moods. Calming music can be combined with cognitive therapy to lower anxiety even more effectively than conventional therapy alone.

Some studies suggest that specially designed music, such as music that includes tones that intentionally induce binaural beats to put brain waves into relaxed delta or theta rhythms, can help improve symptoms in anxious patients even more than music without these tones; listening to this music without other distractions (not while driving, cooking, talking, or reading) promotes the best benefits.

Music and Moods

An analysis of 5 studies on music for depression concluded that music therapy is not only acceptable for depressed patients, but it actually helps improve their moods. Music has proven useful in helping patients with serious medical illnesses such as cancer, burns, and multiple sclerosis who are also depressed. If it can help in these situations, it may be able to help you and your loved ones experience more positive moods.

Music and Sleep

Many people listen to soothing music to help them fall asleep. This practice is supported by studies in a variety of settings. Just don’t try listening to lively dance music or rousing marches before you aim to fall asleep. Conversely, if you’re trying to wake up in the morning, go for the fast-tempo music rather than lullabies.

Music and Stress

Since ancient times, it has been known that certain kinds of music can help soothe away stress. Calming background music can significantly decrease irritability and promote calm in elderly nursing home patients with dementia. Music, widely chosen, lowers stress hormone levels. On the other hand, every parent of a teenager knows that certain kinds of music, particularly at high volumes, can induce stress. Knowing that certain kinds of music can alleviate stress is one thing; being mindful in choosing what kind of music to listen to is another. Choose your musical intake as carefully as you choose your food and friends.

Last Updated
Mental Health, Naturally: The Family Guide to Holistic Care for a Healthy Mind and Body (Copyright © 2010 American Academy of Pediatrics)