
Chess Koans


Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose


I don't come to this site for the chess, I come for  wild waves water park, weeee.

Is this a koan?  Why does bottle water have a best by date?


Why does bottled water even exist?

Why is it selling for 75% the price of petrol?

Why do Americans call petrol by another name?

Why is my spacebar sticky?


I wonder this also...motherinlaw will know the answers to these koans!


It's water for pete's sake, It can't go bad.


Yes but if the water in the US it must be from here and therefore safe.

rooperi wrote:

Why does bottled water even exist?

Why is it selling for 75% the price of petrol?

Why do Americans call petrol by another name?

Why is my spacebar sticky?

1.  Some tap water tastes bad.  (In some places you can set it on fire.)

2.  If you package it, they will come -- and they will pay outrageous prices.

3.  "Petrol" doesn't have the same comedic potential as "gas."

4.  You spilled unbottled water on it.


I find it odd that folks who call gasoline "petrol" seem to think it's somehow more descriptive than "gas".  It's not.  It's quite expansive:  kerosene, diesel, crude oil, gasoline can all be called "petrol".  I'll bet, though, that in those places where gasoline is called "petrol", diesel fuel is called diesel.

What bugs me about bottled water is that it's sold by the case of 16 oz. bottles.  Christ! buy a big ol' jug of it.  Probably be cheaper, too.


Yes and thus buying less plastic for the landfills! 


what r koans i like speed coes in a parking lot

ratatouie wrote:

what r koans i like speed coes in a parking lot

You seem koanfused.


New koan:  Why did the benzene ring?

(If I knew the answer it would be a riddle.  I don't.  So it's a koan.  The forum founder has spoken.)


Ask not for whom the Benzene rings.  It rings for Thee.


Koan of the day:   Is man training puppy? Or is puppy training man?


New Koan:

   Is the train going to Mumbai? .....  Or is Mumbai going to the train?

   In a related issue:  If the train is traveling south at 50 mph and Mumbai is traveling north at 35 mph, and the distance between them on Tuesdays and Thursdays is 180 miles, at what point will they meet, and in doing so, blend their essences into a powerful swirl of vivid colors, thus setting the world on its true path towards everlasting harmony and bliss?

    (Note:  That last one may be a trick question.) 


Ah, dear kaynight, I Do understand your suspicions, as well as your obvious concern for me. How can I reassure you?  

I must put aside my usual modesty and reveal that, after many decades of meditation, I am, indeed, a "Zen ... Master-Ess."   (or something like that -- titles aren't important anyway!)

My point is this:  After mediating for decades, one often reaches a state in which one has no need for mind-altering substances to aid one in in achieving  higher planes of existence -- planes in which Mumbai, for example, could easily travel north at 35 miles an hour.

I have every confidence that one more year of meditation would enable me to conceive of Mumbai traveling at 40 mph, but lately I've started thinking it might not be worth it. 


You Caught that, did you?  It was a Test of your Skills in Proof-Reading.  And you Passed!  Hooray!

[For those of you who don't want to go back to the previous page to make sense of this, kaynight noticed that I'd typed "After many years of mediation," when I meant to say "meditation," and sheresponded "Mediation or Meditation?  We must be told!!"  so I'm pretending I typed it on purpose as a test, when it was really a mistake.  Don't anybody tell her, OK?]


I see someone's been meditating on the ancient koan: "What is the sound of one horse rapping?"  

BISHOP_e3 wrote:




After a long day of meditation here in the ashram, we zen masters really enjoy Spamalot (the musical, not the "meat").  We pray, we laugh, we pray, we laugh ... just having some fun in the old ashram, that's us.