


guess this doesn't make much sense but you see i've been hanging out with the cool kids on the site recently. and they get it . i think.


I so get this. I feel like a relic. Think I'm hip but I'm just old.

BoardMonkey wrote:

I so get this. I feel like a relic. Think I'm hip but I'm just old.

just to explain, this started when someone said their dad got angry when they called somebody else, who incidentally identified as female, sir. so i suggested syrup as a catch all.

that topic was banned along with it's op. don't think that would make it to the news though.


We need a catch all. Just gramatically neuter everybody.

BoardMonkey wrote:

We need a catch all. Just gramatically neuter everybody.

Remember what last time mass castration happened? Not very good things followed

Roaming_Rooster wrote:
BoardMonkey wrote:

We need a catch all. Just gramatically neuter everybody.

Remember what last time mass castration happened? Not very good things followed

Well, along with the sopranos there were the castratos.


Nice to see that the mods had time to move this topic to off topic. How is this not related to the community? We're all syrup.


I really have nothing to say. I just want to be part of the Syrup Party.


I wanna be with the cool kids too. Can I join whatever this is?


Oh, I just turned my Windows machine on, it's doing the Patch Tuesday updates. Wish me luck, haha.

Oh, and syrup...


Welcome! And...Syrup to you too Sir.


By the way. You gotta ditch Windows and switch to Linux.

Sir_TrashPanda wrote:

By the way. You gotta ditch Windows and switch to Linux.

Oh I have, running Linux Mint. I just run a backup Windows for grins...


A few weeks ago, I had to make a major upgrade to my Linux. (19 to 21 due to end-of-life issue). It worked, but a good number of oddball programs got uninstalled during the upgrade. I'm slowly reinstalling the ones I miss the most. The other programs, I may or may not bother reinstalling.

Edit - The funny thing is, none of my PCs meet the Windows 11 hardware requirements, so unless Microsoft loosens the requirements or I buy a new PC, in 2+ years I won't be running any Windows at all on the interwebz.

EscherehcsE wrote:
Sir_TrashPanda wrote:

By the way. You gotta ditch Windows and switch to Linux.

Oh I have, running Linux Mint. I just run a backup Windows for grins...

Nice. I'm running Linux Mint on USB drive. It is one of the main features that really got me into Linux. I haven't had my own PC in quite a while so its really nice having the mobility. It's been about 10 years maybe more since I have used Linux on a regular basis.



If it's Ubuntu there's LTS 22.04 I think but they're a little behind the kernel LTS.

idilis wrote:

If it's Ubuntu there's LTS 22.04 I think but they're a little behind the kernel LTS.

Don't get that technical with inebriated Monkeys like me.


Sorry, it's all just syrup in the end.

Gwyneth paltrow went to the dark side with goop.


Mint 21 is based on Ubuntu 22.04. I'm not an Ubuntu fan - I never bought into the whole snappak idea.