
How to make use of Diamond member'shp ?


Hey folks, gifted me with a Diamond Member'shp for a week, but I dnt know how to make proper use of it. I don't wanna waste my time going through every feature available. Being a beginner; I request the premium members to guide me 'How to use this opportunity?' to improve my skills...


Thank You All Smile


Most of what I do here is watch the videos.  The library here is outstanding; many GMs/IMs/FMs explaining just about everything on the game.  Congratulations on getting such a great gift--enjoy!


Thanks dashkee94 waiting for more ans. frm other members


I'm taking advantage of the same offer. I have used the tactical trainer about 100 times today, and completed the Pawn play in the end game course you can find in the chess mentor section. It's by IM John Grefe and it's excellent. I'm terrible at end games but now I at least have a better chance. I also watched a video on beating the scicilian: "Grand Prix Attack: Winning doubled Pawn Positions" by FM Charles Galofre. It was excellent.

I recommend all those activities and areas of, and yes I've had too much time on my hands today.


just play chess at live chess and analyze your games