


So i have yet another Question. Is your live chess or online chess a better representation of your skill? And which rating is a better representaion of my skill?  I personally feel my online rating is a better representation but what do you guys think?


your skill of chess...


i would say most important ratings in this order

#1 Standard, it is the most common way to play, it lets you calculate without giving you as much time as you want

#2 turn based games this is a decent representation of your rating

#3 blitz yes it is ok but still not the best. 

#4 Chess960 is not very good. it is a strange type of chess

#5 Tactics and chess mentor. They are not good either. I have an 1800 chess metor rating it is innacurate

#6 yes bullet is last in my estimations. it is just a contest of who can move the quickest as the lightning chess, or who can not make a really stupid move first 

that is my opinion, you can say or think what you like(of course) but that is what i would say


This is pretty much an impossible question to really answer, but a lot of it depends on how seriously you take each format.

KyleMayhugh wrote:

This is pretty much an impossible question to really answer, but a lot of it depends on how seriously you take each format.

that is very true if you look at the board and make your move 5 seconds afterward that is not an accurate representaion


I dont like long standard games but I have to say that I think that the live chess standard rating is the best representation of your skills.

mic15counterstrategy wrote:

I dont like long standard games but I have to say that I think that the live chess standard rating is the best representation of your skills.

standard is my favourite way to play chess


My online and blitz ratings are not far apart. So one are as good as the other. My blitz rating is lower due many players play blitz. My online is higher due to some time outs.


Online (Correspondence) is the best representation of your online (correspondence) chess skill.

Blitz is the best representation of your blitz chess skill

OTB is the best representation of your OTB skill ..... etc.

harryz wrote:
Martin_Stahl wrote:

Online (Correspondence) is the best representation of your online (correspondence) chess skill.

Blitz is the best representation of your blitz chess skill

OTB is the best representation of your OTB skill ..... etc.

That is not what they are asking for

Ratings are really only a representation of chess skill within the type of game. A certain level of chess skill might corelate to a range of ratings within each sub-group and someone with a certain level of skill probably won't be below some arbitraty rating in a particular game sub-group among a specific pool of players.

But each type of chess does rely on slightly different skills and circumstances and a particluar rating in any one may not mean a whole lot of anything when it comes to generalized chess skill.

I'm not very good at fast games and tend to use way too much time in sub-G/60 games (OTB and online). Correspondingly, my rating for faster time control games is worse than my longer ones. I make fewer game losing blunders in correspondence than I do in blitz and quick chess (I play little quick chess online and this is from OTB experience on that).

If I had to come up with a less vague answer, I would say that ratings from longer time control games in OTB conditions (G>60, no outside resources like in correspondence, limited disctractions) are probably the best measure of chess skill when it is taken in comparison to other players in a similar pool; basically what percentage of players are you in (e.g. top 20% or bottom 20%)?


The only way to know how good or bad you are is to join a club (a real club, I mean) and play tournament rated games. Then you will know. About "online" ratings.... umh..... they are, as we all know, inflated. I am here on rated around 1250 (turn-based) but in 'real life' my rating is quite lower. I noticed the same thing with a few friends of mine who play in clubs too. 


Honestly, I think that this really, really depends, as it has been said before, on how seriously the performance in each is taken. 


There are people who very casually just make 10-15 online chess moves in a small sitting and do not dedicate the same amount of time to these moves as they would in an OTB tournament. 


Then there are others that perhaps are very careful for each move and consider it deeply, and they use more time than they would be comfortable using in an OTB tourament... 


Obviously, the former probably has a lower score than their real life OTB; the latter would perhaps have a highe one. 


And that is just one factor and there are others.