
Should I reset my tactics?

mjharris77 wrote:

I've been on this site for about a year now, and in that time I've attempted over 3000 tactics puzzles with about a 50 percent pass rate. My rating fluctuates a lot, highest ever was around 1200 and it's currently at 833. I think my main issue is I need to slow down, my average time per puzzle is around 30 seconds. Saying that, sometimes I'll look for ages and not have a clue so I just guess and get it right or wrong any ways, in that it feels like an exam and I haven't a clue no matter how long I look at it. And sometimes I get it right in 10 seconds any way. And often I guess, thinking I'm correct, and I'm wrong, or I get the first move right and the second wrong.


So basically, should I continue as is, or reset, take it slower, and see how that goes? I frequently read tactics are the best way to improve, potentially more so for novices like myself (rapid rating 1150 at the moment or so), and since I can't afford a trainer right now this site is my best bet to improve. I would like to improve, but often the (seeming) lack of progress gets depressing to say the least.

Beware  you start at 400 bnut you can get 800+ easily


I reset about 6 weeks ago. I'm on about 1400 rating now but about 50 percent correct. Puzzles rated about 1200 and below are generally easy but after that they seem to get tough. Though I do solve the occasional 1800 rated one.

Do tactics on puzzle books.Ditch the puzzles
Save for puzzle rush though

I do the 20 free tactics each day, I find that is plenty. I get about 50% correct, I guess that is about right as they are pitched at your graded level. They are brilliant for practice at spotting a potential weakness in the opponents position. They also show up well if you have failed to spot an opponent check, or some other cunning manouevre. I love them, and love it when I spot something similar in a game and suddenly annihilate an opponent !!!