
Move Classification Ruined (Again)


why brought back the ugly move classification i hoped you got feedback and removed it but you brought it back..why??? and no option to have the nice ones, also there is a huge white block on the side and the animations are annoying and ugly. Why dont keep the old ones they are perfect!!!! change for the sake of change, whoever thinks of these changes truly idiotic and then you ship them half assed

Battle_of_Ideas wrote:

why brought back the ugly move classification i hoped you got feedback and removed it but you brought it back..why??? and no option to have the nice ones, also there is a huge white block on the side and the animations are annoying and ugly. Why dont keep the old ones they are perfect!!!! change for the sake of change, whoever thinks of these changes truly idiotic and then you ship them half ...

The site hadn't removed the new review, just changed the members that see it.


Damn. Any way to introduce an option to disable that ?
Why enforce such a change on clients (not members !) if they don't want it.

Cytoo wrote:

Damn. Any way to introduce an option to disable that ?
Why enforce such a change on clients (not members !) if they don't want it.

If you have the new version, you can't go back to the old. There's is an option to change the Move Classifications Style to Traditional under Settings > Board and Pieces


What is move classification style?

Thorsenn wrote:

What is move classification style?

It shows it in the move list differently.

