
New review presentation is awfull


Long story short: I hate it!

First: it is bloated. The highlights screen doesn't even fit the screen. Scrolling it or reducing the size of the site feels annoying.

Second: once you start a review if you want to see the highlights again you have to exit the review. And on top of that you have to scroll down to the bottom of the move list to do that.

Third: white background of the coach text when you have a dark theme is jarring.

Fourth: choosing between displaying the sequence of best moves and the ones that represent consequence of what has been played has become unintuitive. Also the fact that the moves are no longer displayed in the speech bubble is also annoying

Fifth: evaluation graph jumping between top and bottom when going from highlights to review and vice versa is another stupid design. What is even the point of even making it jump like that?

The list goes on and on but I don't have enough patience to list every single detail.


Hate it just the same as you. What is going on inside designer staff here ? They took the time and effort to replaced something that worked fine with something that is worse in every aspect. Feels like they gave this job to the new intern who lied on his resume. Now i have to open a separate device just to see my reviews as on computer i simply can't open the review tab anymore as it's locked for non premium users.


Came here to say the same, its truly awful. Please, revert back to the previous version!


I agree. The whole point of Game Review is to learn what you should have done, and it is harder to do that now.

Also, the Analysis page after finishing a game has little graphs on the side indicating time spent, but that is missing from the Analysis/Review screens.


Absolutely awful new design. I spoke with support yesterday on it. They advised they will be pushing this terrible update to everyone in parts (we are the unlucky first) but are looking for feedback. So please contact them via help chat to file your complaint.


new review update is a huge step backwards.


It's even aestetically bad. The way the move rankings were displayed was neat and well presented. Now it's ugly and unclear what you're looking at.


i will cancel my subscription if they dont get rid of this new review. I want the old Brilliant and Great icons, no animations and pop-ups, i want no huge white box, and not a design that is made by a 5yo. 
Those new icons were added a couple days ago and suddenly they were gone and i thought ok must been huge backlash and now they bought it back and no option to disable it. What are they thinking honestly they just push out half assed updates and no single word about it. Premium members are Beta testers but there is zero communication and as of yet you cant even give feedback. Its such a stepback designwise, i hate it. What a joke!


Fully agreed. It worked so well.. and now you basically don't see any of the htings that made it good. You don't see all the things you could have done better in a list. You don't see how many points better you would have been. Huge mistake to make it this bad


Yes I agree, too. This new review is awful. I hope we get the old version soon.


Too bad I don't have much hope for that. The thing with corporate is that generally things are chosen based on how good they look in a presentation and not their functionality. Unless situation gets blown out of proportions like big outrage on social media, lot of spam, influencers making angry videos we will be stuck with this ugly duckling.


I don't like it either, I hope the old version will come back


Where has the info on the "last book move" bubble gone?

It used to show the name of the opening and how many times I'd won, drawn and lost, now there's just a weird green bar with no explanation.


yeah im very dissapointed in new game review


I want old review to come back but generally after an update has been made there's no coming back


Maybe we could start petitioning our favourite YouTubers to cover this? Surely they won't like it either?


yeah i'll go call gothamchess and ask him lol


Can only agree with everything here. Big downgrade.


Is there a way to turn off the "best move" in the new review UI? I don't want that to show automatically but can't figure out how to turn it off now.


Came here to agree that the new format is worse.