
Annotate Games In LIVE CHESS. ReadME


It'd be awesome if there was a tool built into live chess that lets you annotate your games while playing live chess. What do you guys think?


I don't think this is good, the quality of the analysis wouldn't be that good in a game your playing at that time. And also you can't use outside assistent to help you with the analysis in the game.


Your not analyzing the game while your playing...your just comment ideas and would have an archive of your annotations and you just review them while you analyze the game AFTERWARDS. And its not outside assistance at all. Your the one typing your ideas while your playing the game. Not anyone else. And you could show them to your coaches or if you have a friend here on can review them and if you had good idea's they could praise you or tell if your idea wasn't logical chess. I think it would be a great tool for coaching or a good tool for a higher rated player to really get inside your mind and question your ideas. 


Do you mean private notes in a live game.


Yeah, just like making notes in online chess.


I'm not a feature like that would be added, games in live chess are gernally fast games between 3-15 minutes and most players do not have the time to type out. 32. Nd3, Qd5+ 33. Qd2...ect. How would a person be able to write impressive anlysis in even a 20-30 minute game. The privates notes is in onliine chess cause you have a couple days to move. I think live games are meant to be played out of our head and then do after game analysis (To not interupt the game we play).+-


I actually do this. I'm playing 30|0, and I write the moves in a different scoresheet, that way I practice the approach "write before you move". I also assign special codes (N for novelty, * for critical moment etc.) to make it easier for me to analyze the game afterwards. Besides, you don't have to write a novel while playing a game, you can do that afterwards. Yes it's time consuming, but it'll help you in the long run. 


I see what your saying Chessplayer. I'm just now starting to play 30-60 min games and would just like to write down some ideas i have and show them to stronger players to let them see what im thinking. They could maybe help me afterwards.


There is nothing stopping you from writing down game notes on a note pad or a real piece of paper, I just don't think the feature will be added to


Well, online chess have it, it won't hurt anyone if they implement the same thing to live chess.


Well Chessplayer .... I would just rather have it here on in an archive so i don't have to write it down on paper. I think alot of people would actually use it if they were serious about improving their game.