
Games maximum


Would it not be a good idea to impose a maximum number of games that members can play at any one time? I raise this because one individual, huxley9, is currently 'playing' 958 games! He generally makes one move every ten days. I think the aim is to make others resign in frustration and he picks up the points. Curious to know what others think and if they have had dealings with this individual.


This has been brought up many times before.  We've had many individuals playing over a thousand games at once and some much more than that.  When you sign up for a correspondence type game you agree that your opponent has whatever # of days to move.  Not a bad idea to check how many games your opponent has going before accepting a match though.  And really, why would you expect someone who wants a 10 day per move match to move quickly?


I guess you haven't come accross Samuelplayer yet lol that guy is a machine! As baddogno says you can play as many games as you want and if its 10 days per move then some guys will use that time. Fair enough, go for 24hr or 3 day if you like it quicker.


I have seen, and played both sides of the spectrum on this subject. Well said Bob! Players who generaly go waaaaay off the scale of game load do tend to to look for the LOST ON TIME GAMES. But on the other side of this silly rainbow some do try to play them all. My thought is why play 50 games and break even in rating when you could probably play 10 and win them all.

I say this for one reason......."I personaly checked myself on focus level, when I play, and what I need to do". Recently won over a 1400 plus and got behind on my other lower rated games. So with work, comming home and making moves we have to look at our S & A...Situational Awareness. Mine was focus.

So what it comes down to is, to each his own. But I will not waste no more time with a player over 50 games unless unavoidable like maybe someone within my group. Just a thought ..............