
Report button in forums


I don't know how feasible this would be to code, but on other forums I've been on, for every post there is a report button that sends an alert to all mods. I know that the mods work as best they can, particularly with the spam bots, but this way, all the mods get a message rather than one mod you may fire a message to. I also realize there is a potential to be abused and waste time checking posts just because someone was unhappy with what was said. Thoughts?


That did not make sense.


A "report button" sounds like a good idea (it might be hard to code, though), especially when so much of the offensive content on the forums is going unnoticed. As for what aerodarts said, I'm not sure if they need a "report button" for that post or if they were actually agreeing with you.


Do I know you?

