
Chess 960


Alguien sabe como comenzar mejor en este tipo de ajedrez?

Someone knows how to start a game of Chess960 (The one that placed the queen in a corner and bishops,knights and roots changed).


You can play correspondence chess 960 here (daily, online; whatever Erik is calling it these days).  You can also go over to V3 and play the computer in 960.  That's kind of fun; you can also play it with the "coach" on if you want some hints.  Live 960 is coming.  They had it up a few times and then took it back down so there must have been some bugs.  Might even be up again...

Home>online chess>start new game (from the list on the right)and then click the little upside down black triangle to reveal the 960.

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Standard ChessChess960    Days Per Turn: 123571014    I Play As RandomI Play As WhiteI Play As Black   Rated: YesNoTakeback
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Thanks for your information.

Anyway I have just read something in a "foro" (forum?) at our group, and I have just started my first game in this "Special" chess. I hope to enjoy !, always is good to start something new, even after more than 50 years playing standard chess.