
There NEEDS to be an "Are you sure you want to withdraw from the tournament?" button!!!


I was in a blitz tournament that has 3 min time, and it was 7 rounds. I was in 1st place by at least 1 point. I have 5 out of 5 points at the end of round 5 (I won that round) and when i clicked out of my game I accidentally pressed the withdraw button, and I was kicked from the tournament instantly! If there were a button to say "Are you sure you want to leave?" then this could have easily been prevented as I would have had chance at not making such a grave mistake. I wonder if this has happened to anyone else also and if so, then please help in bringing up this issue.


Well i hit the withdraw button once on accident, and I was booted. There was no way in getting back into the tournament. Oh well, maybe it just happened to me on a rare occasion.