
SLOVENIJA-HIGHLANDS a remporté le match
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While the Enterprise struggles to survive an alien onslaught, Captain Picard has been kidnapped by Q and taken on an astounding journey back through time to that immeasurably distant moment when the Continuum faced its greatest threat. But far more is at stake than simply the mysteries of the past, for an ancient menace is stirring once again, endangering the future of the galaxy, and neither Q nor Starfleet may be able to stop it!
Statistiques du club
The Q Continuum
The Q Continuum
  • En cours:
  • Total de points:
  • Matchs gagnés:
  • Niveau moyen:
  • Classement du jour:
  • En cours:
  • Total de points:
  • Matchs gagnés:
  • Niveau moyen:
  • Classement du jour: