 Hello, this is a listing of my favorite chess books, I still prefer the old chess notation, learned that first & just feel comfortable with it. First, A primer of chess: J.R.Capablanca. Which has good info on the opposition, pawn promotions, mating with minimal power. Good info for those lucky enough to survive the opening, middle game, blunders, Etc. Haha Second, Combinations the heart of chess: Irving Chernev. Powerful insight into chessboard magic! Third, My 60 favorite games: Bobby Fischer. Complete games explained in detail. Also Bobby Fischer teaches chess, good for brushing up on basic tactics. Fourth, 1001 brilliant ways to checkmate. Fred Reinfeld. Fifth, 1001 brilliant chess sacrifices & combinations. There is more chess wisdom in these five books than I could ever hold, but they help to explain what sometimes seems a dark mystery of inexplicable moves made by the masters. Wishing you a happy chess day!