
Police: Where do you live?
Me: With my parents. 
Police: Where do your parents live?
Me: With me. 
Police: Where do you all live?
Me: Together.
Police: Where is your house?
Me: Next to my neighbor's house.
Police: Where is your neighbor's house? 
Me: You won't believe me if I tell you.
Police: Tell me!
Me: Next to my house. 
10 facts I know about you1. You are reading this
2. You realize this is a stupid fact 
4. You didn't notice I skipped 3
5. You're checking now
6. You're smiling 
7. You're still reading this even though it's stupid 
9. You didn't notice I skipped 8
10. You laugh about how you fell for it again. 
11. You're enjoying this. 
12. You are still reading this
13. You forgot it is only supposed to be 10 facts.

Impossibilities of the world1. You can't count your hair unless you're bald
2. You can't wash your eyes with soap 
3. You can't breath with your tongue out
Put your tongue back in, you fool. You look like a dog.
Teacher: Why didn't you study?
Me: A year has 365 days for you to study. After taking away 52 Sundays, there are only 313 days left. There are 50 days in the summer that are way too hot to work so there are only 263 days left. We sleep 8 hours a day, in a year, that counts up to 122 days so now we're left with 141 days. If we fooled around for only 1 hour a day, 15 days are gone, so we are left with 126 days. We spend 2 hours eating each day, 30 days are used in this way in the year, and we are left with 96 days in our year. We spend 1 hour a day speaking to friends and family, that takes away 15 days more and we are left with 81 days. Exams and tests take up at least 35 days in your year; hence you are only left with 46 days. Taking off approximately 40 days of holidays, you are only left with 6 days. Say you are sick for a minimum of 3 days; you're left with 3 days in the year to study! Let's say you only go out for 2 days... You're left with 1 day. But that 1 day is your birthday. That is why I did not study. 
Teacher: Class dismissed. 
Teacher: Why do I hear people talking?Me: Because you have ears. 
Teacher: You did not complete your homework. 
Me: You did not mark my quiz. 
Teacher: I have other student's quizzes to mark. 
Me: I have other teachers that gave me homework. 