
My name is Ahmad. I'm 19 years old and currently studying at University Technology MARA (UiTM Tapah) which is local university. I choose accounting as a main course. I'm playing chess since I was 7 years old. I joined the first chess tournament when I was 11. I keep playing chess with my friends at school and getting stronger. My favourite time control is rapid (10 minutes) and blitz (5|5 minutes). Sometimes I also playing bullet games and I like playing puzzles. Ohhhh btw if u reading this can u give me some tips how to reach 2000+ in blitz?? U can chat or message me (: I dont have any long terms target but of course I want to become pro player and I want the next generation is better than me. I'm friendly guy but will not accept any random friend request unless if you greet me first. Thats all. U wanna know more about me? Comes to the chat..πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

Instagram: @azamodern