chess errrffff who the hell could like this game//////Me haha love it well started playing at the age of 12 twelve was an above average player since i won most my games since i started playing could never beat elderly people at the game.Well looking to get better in chess an in martial arts.I like training thai boxing think i get carried away during sparring since they say i cant controll my power meaning i was going a lil prob bit to hard...funny coz i thought i was going on there level since i never went full out.Gets irritating to know u have to hold back and not knowing ur full potentional well not every 1 likes getting hit i geuss.Im not much for words thx to mah old mah old and seen to much bs go all around had the wrong friends most of the time but it is what it is.Well they call me kool dude at the gym im more mellow than than anything.I train most of the time phyical and technique wise but latly about 2 months i decided to take a 3 month breake.nervs got the better of for some reason.every time i enter the cage i can feel my nervs so its kind of weird  to be focused for fighti9ng.Not giving up :) my dream is to die in battle with glory."If you have nothing to fight for its best you die for somthing...."