Carlsen And Aronian Still Neck And Neck

Carlsen And Aronian Still Neck And Neck

| 19 | Chess Event Coverage

In the fourth round at Amber most of the blood-letting came in the rapid games, where all but one game proved decisive.

In fact, the only rapid pairing that ended as a draw had already had the only decisive result in the blindfold games, when Karjakin smashed down Kramnik's Berlin wall.

There was certainly interest in some of the other blindfold games, though, with Gashimov and Aronian sacrificing their queens.

The rapid games produced wins for Aronian, Carlsen, Anand, Topalov and Nakamura.

A selection of today's games are below. Tomorrow is a rest day, so round five is on Thursday.

Elder statesmen? Boris Gelfand and Vishy Anand.



The results on day four:

Blind  Karjakin-Kramnik  1-0

Gelfand-Topalov  ½-½

Grischuk-Anand  ½-½
Blind  Carlsen-Giri  ½-½

Nakamura-Gashimov  ½-½

Aronian-Ivanchuk  ½-½
Rapid  Kramnik-Karjakin  ½-½

Topalov-Gelfand  1-0

Anand-Grischuk  1-0
Rapid  Giri-Carlsen  0-1

Gashimov-Nakamura  0-1

Ivanchuk-Aronian  0-1


The standings after day four:

1 Carlsen, Magnus  NOR 2815 6
2 Aronian, Levon  ARM 2808 6
3 Anand, Viswanathan  IND 2817
4 Grischuk, Alexander  RUS 2747
5 Gashimov, Vugar  AZE 2746 4
Karjakin, Sergey  RUS 2776 4
Nakamura, Hikaru  USA 2774 4
Topalov, Veselin  BUL 2775 4
Gelfand, Boris  ISR 2733
10 Kramnik, Vladimir  RUS 2785
11 Giri, Anish  NED 2690 2
12 Ivanchuk, Vassily  UKR 2779 2


Has Chucky lost his Amber mojo?






Topalov moved up the leaderboard by beating Gelfand







Carlsen gets revenge for his loss to Giri in Wijk Aan Zee




Pictures: Association Max Euwe

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