13th & 14th Metropolitan Chess Invitationals: GM & IM Norms Achieved
Metropolitan Chess, Inc.
Metropolitan Chess, Inc. hosted an International Master norm and a International Grandmaster norm round robin tournament in tandem from December 7th to December 11th of 2011. The tournaments were sponsored by California Market Center, Fashion Business, Inc, MonRoi, Chess.com, LawyerFy, and Betty Bottom Showroom.
The tournaments were the 13th and 14th in the series and were being held in Suite C1002 of the California Market Center on 110 East 9th Street, Los Angeles 90079. The tournaments were both organized by Ankit Gupta, International FIDE Organizer.
The arbiters for this event were both IA Randy Hough & IA Hal Bogner.
IM Enrico Sevillano scored 6.5-2.5 in the 13th Metropolitan Chess FIDE Invitational to achieve his second GM norm. GM Mikheil Kekelidze scored 7.0-2.0 in the same event to win it outright.
SM Faik Aleskerov scored 6.5-2.5 in the 14th Metropolitan Chess FIDE Invitational to achieve his final IM norm, making him IM-elect. He also outright won the event.
The field, and round by round results, of the 13th Metropolitan Chess FIDE Invitational, a GM norm event, can be seen below:
The field, and round by round results, of the 14th Metropolitan Chess FIDE Invitational, an IM norm event, can be seen below:
The tournaments were 10 player round-robin events (all play all), with rounds scheduled as follows – 7th: 7:00 PM, 8th: 11:00 AM & 5:00 PM, 9th: 11:00 AM & 5:00 PM, 10th: 11:00 AM & 5:00 PM, 11th: 10:00 AM & 4:00 PM. Spectators were welcome and encouraged to come to watch the games in person at the tournament site at the California Market Center.
The IM norm in the 14th Metropolitan Chess FIDE Invitational was 6.5/9.0 whereas the GM norm in the 13th Metropolitan Chess FIDE Invitational was 6.5/9.0 as well.
The full standings can be found on the Metropolitan Chess, Inc. website at: www.metrochessla.com/schedule.php. Simply go to the schedule section, scroll down to the list of recent events, and click on the red bar titled '13th Metropolitan Chess FIDE Invitational' or '14th Metropolitan Chess FIDE Invitational' to view a complete crosstable with standings.