
4-Way Tie At Corus

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There were some tremendous games in round 11 at the Corus tournament in Wijk Aan Zee, leaving a 4-way tie for the lead between Aronian, Radjabov, Dominguez and Movsesian.

Best of all the games in the A Group was a terrific tactical victory by Dominguez over the former sole leader Aronian in a gambit line of the Ruy Lopez.

Kamsky was another winner, impressively defeating Karjakin to earn his second win of the tournament.  Other wins came from Radjabov who used his pet King's Indian Defence to overcome Wang Yue, and Movsesian continued his impressive tournament by beating Van Wely with the black pieces.

In the B Group, Nigel Short won quickly against Navara by employing Alekhine's Defence, to keep half a point ahead of Kasimdzhanov and Caruana who also won their games.

The C Group saw a change of leader as Wesley So from the Philippines took the lead by winning impressively against Bosboom whilst former leader Hillarp Persson lost.  So and Persson will clash in a crucial round 12 encounter.

14-year old Russian player Anish Giri achieved his third and final GM norm, to qualify for the title.  Congratulations on a tremendous achievement!

The full results in round 11:


Dominguez Perez, Leinier   Aronian, Levon   1-0   36 C88   Ruy Lopez Closed
Smeets, Jan  Stellwagen, Daniel ½-½  35 B48  Sicilian Paulsen
Kamsky, Gata  Karjakin, Sergey 1-0  41 D02  Queen's Pawn Game
Van Wely, Loek  Movsesian, Sergei 0-1  44 A27  English Dutch System
Adams, Michael  Ivanchuk, Vassily ½-½  37 B14  Caro Kann Panov
Wang Yue  Radjabov, Teimour 0-1  64 E92  King's Indian
Morozevich, Alexander  Carlsen, Magnus ½-½  41 E37  Nimzo Indian

Caruana, Fabiano   Sasikiran, Krishnan   1-0   44 B84   Sicilian Scheveningen
Motylev, Alexander  Volokitin, Andrei ½-½  26 C67  Ruy Lopez Berlin
Vallejo Pons, Francisco  L'Ami, Erwin  1-0  61 A15  English counter King's Fianchetto
Navara, David  Short, Nigel D 0-1  27 B04  Alekhine's Defence
Efimenko, Zahar  Reinderman, Dimitri 0-1  36 E60  King's Indian
Werle, Jan  Hou Yifan ½-½  35 E15  Queens Indian
Mecking, Henrique  Kasimdzhanov, Rustam 0-1  90 A70  Benoni

So, Wesley   Bosboom, Manuel   1-0   33 B01   Centre Counter
Holzke, Frank  Howell, David W L ½-½  39 E60  King's Indian
Gupta, Abhijeet  Pruijssers, Roeland 0-1  30 E81  King's Indian
Harika, Dronavalli  Nijboer, Friso 0-1  40 A41  Modern Defence
Leon Hoyos, Manuel  Romanishin, Oleg M 1-0  45 A45  Trompowsky
Bitalzadeh, Ali  Hillarp Persson, Tiger 1-0  46 B43  Sicilian Paulsen
Iturrizaga, Eduardo  Giri, Anish 0-1  57 D12  Slav Defence

The standings after round 11:


1 Aronian, Levon   ARM   2750   
2 Radjabov, Teimour  AZE  2761  
3 Dominguez Perez, Leinier  CUB  2717  
4 Movsesian, Sergei  SVK  2751  
5 Carlsen, Magnus  NOR  2776 6
6 Karjakin, Sergey  UKR  2706 6
7 Smeets, Jan  NED  2601  
8 Kamsky, Gata  USA  2725  
9 Van Wely, Loek  NED  2625 5
10 Ivanchuk, Vassily  UKR  2779 5
11 Adams, Michael  ENG  2712 5
12 Wang Yue  CHN  2739  
13 Stellwagen, Daniel  NED  2612  
14 Morozevich, Alexander  RUS  2771 4


1 Short, Nigel D   ENG   2663   
2 Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  UZB  2687 7
3 Caruana, Fabiano  ITA  2646 7
4 Volokitin, Andrei  UKR  2671  
5 Motylev, Alexander  RUS  2676  
6 Vallejo Pons, Francisco  ESP  2702  
7 Navara, David  CZE  2638 6
8 Efimenko, Zahar  UKR  2688  
9 Reinderman, Dimitri  NED  2549 5
10 L'Ami, Erwin  NED  2603 5
11 Hou Yifan  CHN  2571  
12 Werle, Jan  NED  2607  
13 Mecking, Henrique  BRA  2567  
14 Sasikiran, Krishnan  IND  2711 3


1 So, Wesley   PHI   2627 8
2 Hillarp Persson, Tiger  SWE  2586  
3 Giri, Anish  RUS  2469 7
4 Holzke, Frank  GER  2524 6
5 Howell, David W L  ENG  2622 6
6 Gupta, Abhijeet  IND  2569  
7 Harika, Dronavalli  IND  2473  
8 Bosboom, Manuel  NED  2418  
9 Leon Hoyos, Manuel  MEX  2542 5
10 Bitalzadeh, Ali  NED  2400  
11 Nijboer, Friso  NED  2560  
12 Pruijssers, Roeland  NED  2444  
13 Iturrizaga, Eduardo  VEN  2528  
14 Romanishin, Oleg M  UKR  2533 3


Picture of Dominguez and Aronian courtesy of ChessVibes.


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