A Bright Start In Biel

A Bright Start In Biel

| 4 | Chess Event Coverage

The grandmaster group in Biel started the first round of their double round-robin event today like they meant business.  The only surprise was that just one game out of the three played ended decisively.

An early exchange of queens didn't stop Morozevich (pictured) launching a decisive kingside attack on defending champion Alekseev.  It takes great skill to make winning look that easy!

Meanwhile Vachier-Lagrave gave Ivanchuk plenty to think about, but Chucky was up to the task and a neat queen sacrifice (for a rook, knight and pawn) saved his neck.

The clash between the oldest and youngest competitors was just as exciting.  Boris Gelfand looked to have an advantage in the final position against his 16 year-old opponent, but he accepted Caruana's draw offer.  Perhaps time trouble played a part?

More of the same tomorrow please guys!

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