
A Strategic Opening Repertoire

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Only ten years ago, highly specialised opening books were the exception. Now they are the norm. Opening analysis has exploded in size. That is why A Strategic Opening Repertoire by John Donaldson and Carsten Hansen is such a welcome book. This is a new and greatly expanded (twice the size) second edition of an instant succes of ten years ago. It presents a repertoire that will serve you for the rest of your career, as it will not fail because of one sharp novelty. Based on 1.Nf3, 2.c4 and 3.g3, the aim is to obtain small but lasting advantages by using solid positional ideas, with an emphasis on understanding rather than memorizing. The main advantages of this repertoire are:

  • you will have less to learn
  • you will acquire a set of strategically connected and understandable ideas
  • you will get the home-court advantage because you will be on familiar territory.

With many well-annotated model games, this book is very accessible for club players. Please have a look here.
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