
Are you a club player < 1950?

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With the publication of Chess Opening Essentials (COE), we at New In Chess launched an entirely new concept into the English speaking chess world. Just think: COE is not an encyclopaedia, it is not a repertoire book, it is not a personal selection by one particular player, it is not a monograph and it is not a database dump. We were quite curious to see how reviewers would pick this up. Now that the first verdicts are in, we are happy to see that the uniqueness of this book was noticed: "I don't think something like COE, in this size, yet exist (...) For players with a rating up to 1900 this book covers a large part of the road." "The amount of information available on chess openings is so gigantic that you feel almost suffocated. In this book all the 1.e4 systems are clearly listed and presented, without losing itself in endless variations." "It is about the basics of the opening, about the ensuing middle game positions, and about the plans one should pursue. Ideal for the club player who wishes to improve." Nederlands Dagblad "It gives an outline of each opening and major variation in turn, explaining the ideas and most popular choices (...) This reviewer was impressed by the practical advice given in the notes of this well-produced volume." Britisch Chess Magazine So our advice remains: if you are a club player and if your rating is < 1950, then get this book before you buy ANY other chess opening book!
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