
Candidates Matches - Finals Round 1

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Today the finals got under way in Elista.  The 8 winners from the first round of matches are now matched against each other to find 4 players to go forward to the World Chess Championship in Mexico in September.

The finals matches are:

  • Aronian v Shirov
  • Leko v Bareev
  • Grischuk v Rublevsky
  • Kamsky v Gelfand
The fighting chess we have become accustomed to continued in the games today.  There were 3 decisive games with Aronian, Leko and Grischuk all winning.


Shirov played the QGA against Aronian and got a promising game following an exchange sacrifice.  However, his position turned sour and ended with a blunder on the last move before the time control.


Leko had more success against Bareev's Caro-Kann than his compatriot Judit Polgar.  Bareev attempted a combination with 31...Bxg3 but whatever he had in mind, he must have missed something and he resigned just 3 moves later.


Grischuk blew away Rublevsky in an exciting Sicilian.  A knight sacrifice on d5 was the key move of the game.  Impressive stuff!

Kamsky and Gelfand managed the rare feat of playing an uneventful draw in a Sicilian!



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