Candidates Pairings & Tickets Released

Candidates Pairings & Tickets Released

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World%20Chess%20Logo%20(Agon)%20The%20Best%20Mind%20Wins.jpgWith a little over a week to go before the start of the 2013 Candidates Tournament in London to determine the next challenger for Vishy Anand's title, the pairings and tickets for the event have been released.

As previously announced on the official website, the 8-player double round-robin competition will take place from 15 March - 1 April.

The venue is The IET at 2 Savoy Place, on the banks on London's river Thames, and the prize fund to be shared by the players totals €510,000 (approx 665,000 USD).

To remind ourselves, the eight Candidates are:


Name  Fed Elo Rank
Carlsen, Magnus   NOR  2872 1
Kramnik, Vladimir   RUS  2810 2
Aronian, Levon   ARM  2809 3
Radjabov, Teimour   AZE  2793 4
Grischuk, Alexander   RUS  2764 10
Ivanchuk, Vassily   UKR  2757 13
Svidler, Peter   RUS  2747 14
Gelfand, Boris   ISR  2740 18


Tickets are available from the official website at this link. Standard prices are £25 for rounds on weekdays, £30 for rounds on weekends, or £200 for a ticket to all the sessions.

The pairings are:


Round 1  15/03/13   
Levon Aronian Magnus Carlsen
Boris Gelfand Teimour Radjabov 
Vassily Ivanchuk  Alexander Grischuk 
Peter Svidler  Vladimir Kramnik
Round 2  16/03/13   
Magnus Carlsen Vladimir Kramnik
Alexander Grischuk  Peter Svidler 
Teimour Radjabov  Vassily Ivanchuk 
Levon Aronian Boris Gelfand
Round 3  17/03/13   
Boris Gelfand Magnus Carlsen
Vassily Ivanchuk  Levon Aronian
Peter Svidler  Teimour Radjabov 
Vladimir Kramnik Alexander Grischuk 
Round 4  19/03/13   
Magnus Carlsen Alexander Grischuk 
Teimour Radjabov  Vladimir Kramnik
Levon Aronian Peter Svidler 
Boris Gelfand Vassily Ivanchuk 
Round 5  20/03/13   
Vassily Ivanchuk  Magnus Carlsen
Peter Svidler  Boris Gelfand
Vladimir Kramnik Levon Aronian
Alexander Grischuk  Teimour Radjabov 
Round 6  21/03/13   
Peter Svidler  Magnus Carlsen
Vladimir Kramnik Vassily Ivanchuk 
Alexander Grischuk  Boris Gelfand
Teimour Radjabov  Levon Aronian
Round 7  23/03/13   
Magnus Carlsen Teimour Radjabov 
Levon Aronian Alexander Grischuk 
Boris Gelfand Vladimir Kramnik
Vassily Ivanchuk  Peter Svidler 
Round 8  24/03/13  
Magnus Carlsen Levon Aronian
Teimour Radjabov  Boris Gelfand
Alexander Grischuk  Vassily Ivanchuk 
Vladimir Kramnik Peter Svidler 
Round 9  25/03/13  
Vladimir Kramnik Magnus Carlsen
Peter Svidler  Alexander Grischuk 
Vassily Ivanchuk  Teimour Radjabov 
Boris Gelfand Levon Aronian
Round 10  27/03/13  
Magnus Carlsen Boris Gelfand
Levon Aronian Vassily Ivanchuk 
Teimour Radjabov  Peter Svidler 
Alexander Grischuk  Vladimir Kramnik
Round 11  28/03/13  
Alexander Grischuk  Magnus Carlsen
Vladimir Kramnik Teimour Radjabov 
Peter Svidler  Levon Aronian
Vassily Ivanchuk  Boris Gelfand
Round 12  29/03/13  
Magnus Carlsen Vassily Ivanchuk 
Boris Gelfand Peter Svidler 
Levon Aronian Vladimir Kramnik
Teimour Radjabov  Alexander Grischuk 
Round 13  31/03/13  
Teimour Radjabov  Magnus Carlsen
Alexander Grischuk  Levon Aronian
Vladimir Kramnik Boris Gelfand
Peter Svidler  Vassily Ivanchuk 
Round 14  01/04/13
Magnus Carlsen Peter Svidler 
Vassily Ivanchuk  Vladimir Kramnik
Boris Gelfand Alexander Grischuk 
Levon Aronian Teimour Radjabov 


If tie-breaks are necessary, then they will be played on the 2nd April. Ground-breaking new online coverage is promised at the official website! UPDATE: All rounds start at 14:00 GMT, and the time control is 2 hours for 40 moves, then an extra 1 hour for the next 20 moves, then 15 minutes with a 30 second increment to finish.

Who is your pick to rise above the rest and become the official world championship challenger?


World Champion Vishy Anand awaits his challenger!

WCC Anand v Gelfand tie-break press conference Vishy Anand.jpg
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