
Corus R5: super sharp struggles

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Van Wely-RadjabovSeveral boards are on fire already in the fifth round of Corus. Karjakin got Stellwagen thinking in his favorite Taimanov Sicilian, and Van Wely and Radjabov continued their life-long theoretical battle in the King's Indian. Great stuff so far! Last update 20:26

As was discussed in ChessVibes Openings #3, the English Attack is also a dangerous weapon against the Taimanov Sicilian, and so it's good to see a fearless Stellwagen trying it anyway. He started thinking after the blow 14.Bc5!?, although thus far we haven't been able to find games with 13.Qf2.

karjakin_stellwagenThe last encounter between Van Wely and Radjabov (with the same colours) was won by the Dutchman, at the last Olympiad. He was the first to deviate by going for the 10.Re1 mainline (he tried his old pet line 10.g3 in Dresden). They were following Ponomariov-Radjabov, Corus six years ago, and KingLoek came up with the sharp novelty 20.h4!?.

B group participant Reinderman, who quickly drew with Kasimdzhanov, is rooting for his countryman and even put in a few euros at an online gambling site, he said in the press room! Strangely, after 20...Nf6 21.Qg3 gxh4, Van Wely started a deep think... did he miss something?

adams_smeetsDominguez-Morozevich is another super sharp struggle where 13.Na4 was new compared to Leko-Morozevich, Karen Asrian Memorial (rapid) 2008. Adams went for a rare line against Smeets which shouldn't be too dangerous. According to his second Gustafsson, the Dutchman has a good chance of equalizing by just giving back the pawn at a good moment.

In the B group, Volokitin is the kind of player who likes those sharp positions, and this time he got one in a Winawer French, against Hou Yifan. Efimenko-Caruana is a classical Scheveningen that's still so much connected with the names of Karpov and Kasparov (although The Boss also had it a few times in his '95 Wch match against Anand). Update 16:30

ivanchukTwo quick draws in the A group: Ivanchuk Carlsen (where the surprise move 9...a5 line in the Closed Ruy Lopez did its job - unfortunately the Ukrainian did not want to react to the media about the drug test story) and Kamsky-Wang Yue (an uninteresting Petroff - or is that a pleonasm?).

Under pressure, Stellwagen decided to sacrifice an exchange against Karjakin, but he still awaits a long time of defending. Dominguez is playing a great game and is left with a big advantage against Morozevich, who hasn't been showing his best play so far in Wijk aan Zee. Smeets has almost reached the desired draw against Adams, but Movsesian has to work harder to reach the same result.

By now Van Wely has reached a winning position against Radjabov right out of the opening and only needs to stay calm to score another KID scalp. Not much news from the other groups, except perhaps for Vallejo who seems to be in trouble against Motylev.

Update 17:55

Dominguez finished his game beautifully and scored a fine win against Morozevich. Afterwards he admitted to be very satisfied about his play; the Cuban might start thinking about playing for first here! Smeets drew against Adams, and Van Wely crushed Radjabov. On his way out, the Azeri GM said to me: "I forgot everything, as usual," obviously referring to his home-analysis after his 2003 game against Ponomariov. A cheerful Van Wely showed the game at today's the press conference.

short_sasikiranIn the B, tournament leaders Caruana and Short suffered their first losses. The Englishman went down to Sasikiran while the Italian talent was mated by Efimenko. Howell beat Romanishin and Hillarp Persson is still going strong too, winning with Black against Giri. The other leader, Bosboom, is in a lost rook ending against Gupta.

Last update, 20:26 In the end Stellwagen had to throw in the towel against Karjakin, who played a strong game and is the deserved leader in the A group after five rounds. Aronian's game wasn't bad either; he squeezed Movsesian in Kramnikian style - in the end Black's pawn weaknesses started to tell.

In B, Volokitin did enjoy that sharpness against Hou Yifan and scored a nice win - look at those king manoeuvres! And at the end of the day, Kasidmzhanov's quick draw turned out to be enough to take sole lead.

Even more fighting spirit in the C group, where just one game ended in a draw (and it should probably have been a win for Harika, who had a promising bishop ending but then strangely liquidated to a theoretically drawn ending.) Bosboom lost that rook ending and now Hillarp Persson is in clear first position.

Here are all of today's games for replay:

GM Group A

GM Group B

GM Group C

ChessVibes Openings - the latest novelties in your mailbox!

Schedule & results Grandmaster Group A

Round 1 - Saturday 17.01.2009
D. Stellwagen - S. Movsesian ¬?-¬?
M. Carlsen - T. Radjabov ¬?-¬?
L. Aronian - Wang Yue ¬?-¬?
V. Ivanchuk - J. Smeets 0-1
S. Karjakin - A. Morozevich 1-0
L. van Wely - L. Dominguez ¬?-¬?
G. Kamsky - M. Adams ¬?-¬?
Round 2 - Sunday 18.01.2009
S. Movsesian - M. Adams 1-0
L. Dominguez - G. Kamsky ¬?-¬?
A. Morozevich - L. van Wely 1-0
J. Smeets - S. Karjakin ¬?-¬?
Wang Yue - V. Ivanchuk 0-1
T. Radjabov - L. Aronian ¬?-¬?
D. Stellwagen - M. Carlsen ¬?-¬?
Round 3 - Monday 19.01.2009
M. Carlsen - S. Movsesian ¬?-¬?
L. Aronian - D. Stellwagen ¬?-¬?
V. Ivanchuk - T. Radjabov 0-1
S. Karjakin - Wang Yue ¬?-¬?
L. van Wely - J. Smeets ¬?-¬?
G. Kamsky - A. Morozevich 1-0
M. Adams - L. Dominguez ¬?-¬?
Round 4 - Tuesday 20.01.2009
S. Movsesian - L. Dominguez ¬?-¬?
A. Morozevich - M. Adams ¬?-¬?
J. Smeets - G. Kamsky ¬?-¬?
Wang Yue - L. van Wely ¬?-¬?
T. Radjabov - S. Karjakin ¬?-¬?
D. Stellwagen - V. Ivanchuk ¬?-¬?
M. Carlsen - L. Aronian ¬?-¬?
Round 5 - Thursday 22.01.2009
L. Aronian - S. Movsesian 1-0
V. Ivanchuk - M. Carlsen ¬?-¬?
S. Karjakin - D. Stellwagen 1-0
L. van Wely - T. Radjabov 1-0
G. Kamsky - Wang Yue ¬?-¬?
M. Adams - J. Smeets ¬?-¬?
L. Dominguez - A. Morozevich 1-0
Round 6 - Friday 23.01.2009
S. Movsesian - A. Morozevich
J. Smeets - L. Dominguez
Wang Yue - M. Adams
T. Radjabov - G. Kamsky
D. Stellwagen - L. van Wely
M. Carlsen - S. Karjakin
L. Aronian - V. Ivanchuk
Round 7 - Saturday 24.01.2009
V. Ivanchuk - S. Movsesian
S. Karjakin - L. Aronian
L. van Wely - M. Carlsen
G. Kamsky - D. Stellwagen
M. Adams - T. Radjabov
L. Dominguez - Wang Yue
A. Morozevich - J. Smeets
Round 8 - Sunday 25.01.2009
S. Movsesian - J. Smeets
Wang Yue - A. Morozevich
T. Radjabov - L. Dominguez
D. Stellwagen - M. Adams
M. Carlsen - G. Kamsky
L. Aronian - L. van Wely
V. Ivanchuk - S. Karjakin
Round 9 - Tuesday 27.01.2009
S. Karjakin - S. Movsesian
L. van Wely - V. Ivanchuk
G. Kamsky - L. Aronian
M. Adams - M. Carlsen
L. Dominguez - D. Stellwagen
A. Morozevich - T. Radjabov
J. Smeets - Wang Yue
Round 10 - Wednesday 28.01.2009
S. Movsesian - Wang Yue
T. Radjabov - J. Smeets
D. Stellwagen - A. Morozevich
M. Carlsen - L. Dominguez
L. Aronian - M. Adams
V. Ivanchuk - G. Kamsky
S. Karjakin - L. van Wely
Round 11 - Friday 30.01.2009
L. van Wely - S. Movsesian
G. Kamsky - S. Karjakin
M. Adams - V. Ivanchuk
L. Dominguez - L. Aronian
A. Morozevich - M. Carlsen
J. Smeets - D. Stellwagen
Wang Yue - T. Radjabov
Round 12 - Saturday 31.01.2009
S. Movsesian - T. Radjabov
D. Stellwagen - Wang Yue
M. Carlsen - J. Smeets
L. Aronian - A. Morozevich
V. Ivanchuk - L. Dominguez
S. Karjakin - M. Adams
L. van Wely - G. Kamsky
Round 13 - Sunday 1.02.2009
G. Kamsky - S. Movsesian
M. Adams - L. van Wely
L. Dominguez - S. Karjakin
A. Morozevich - V. Ivanchuk
J. Smeets - L. Aronian
Wang Yue - M. Carlsen
T. Radjabov - D. Stellwagen

Schedule & results Grandmaster Group B

Round 1 - Saturday 17.01.2009
Hou Yifan - R. Kasimdzhanov 0-1
K. Sasikiran - E. l'Ami ¬?-¬?
D. Reinderman - F. Vallejo Pons 0-1
N. Short - J. Werle ¬?-¬?
A. Volokitin - F. Caruana ¬?-¬?
H. Mecking - Z. Efimenko 0-1
A. Motylev - D. Navara 0-1

Round 2 - Sunday 18.01.2009
R. Kasimdzhanov - D. Navara ¬?-¬?
Z. Efimenko - A. Motylev ¬?-¬?
F. Caruana - H. Mecking 1-0
J. Werle - A. Volokitin ¬?-¬?
F. Vallejo Pons - N. Short 0-1
E. l'Ami - D. Reinderman ¬?-¬?
Hou Yifan - K. Sasikiran 1-0
Round 3 - Monday 19.01.2009
K. Sasikiran - R. Kasimdzhanov 0-1
D. Reinderman - Hou Yifan 1-0
N. Short - E. l'Ami 1-0
A. Volokitin - F. Vallejo Pons ¬?-¬?
H. Mecking - J. Werle ¬?-¬?
A. Motylev - F. Caruana ¬?-¬?
D. Navara - Z. Efimenko 1-0
Round 4 - Tuesday 20.01.2009
R. Kasimdzhanov - Z. Efimenko ¬?-¬?
F. Caruana - D. Navara 1-0
J. Werle - A. Motylev 0-1
F. Vallejo Pons - H. Mecking 1-0
E. l'Ami - A. Volokitin ¬?-¬?
Hou Yifan - N. Short ¬?-¬?
K. Sasikiran - D. Reinderman ¬?-¬?
Round 5 - Thursday 22.01.2009
D. Reinderman - R. Kasimdzhanov ¬?-¬?
N. Short - K. Sasikiran 0-1
A. Volokitin - Hou Yifan 1-0
H. Mecking - E. l'Ami ¬?-¬?
A. Motylev - F. Vallejo Pons ¬?-¬?
D. Navara - J. Werle ¬?-¬?
Z. Efimenko - F. Caruana 1-0
Round 6 - Friday 23.01.2009
R. Kasimdzhanov - F. Caruana
J. Werle - Z. Efimenko
F. Vallejo Pons - D. Navara
E. l'Ami - A. Motylev
Hou Yifan - H. Mecking
K. Sasikiran - A. Volokitin
D. Reinderman - N. Short
Round 7 - Saturday 24.01.2009
N. Short - R. Kasimdzhanov
A. Volokitin - D. Reinderman
H. Mecking - K. Sasikiran
A. Motylev - Hou Yifan
D. Navara - E. l'Ami
Z. Efimenko - F. Vallejo Pons
F. Caruana - J. Werle
Round 8 - Sunday 25.01.2009
R. Kasimdzhanov - J. Werle
F. Vallejo Pons - F. Caruana
E. l'Ami - Z. Efimenko
Hou Yifan - D. Navara
K. Sasikiran - A. Motylev
D. Reinderman - H. Mecking
N. Short - A. Volokitin
Round 9 - Tuesday 27.01.2009
A. Volokitin - R. Kasimdzhanov
H. Mecking - N. Short
A. Motylev - D. Reinderman
D. Navara - K. Sasikiran
Z. Efimenko - Hou Yifan
F. Caruana - E. l'Ami
J. Werle - F. Vallejo Pons
Round 10 - Wednesday 28.01.2009
R. Kasimdzhanov - F. Vallejo Pons
E. l'Ami - J. Werle
Hou Yifan - F. Caruana
K. Sasikiran - Z. Efimenko
D. Reinderman - D. Navara
N. Short - A. Motylev
A. Volokitin - H. Mecking
Round 11 - Friday 30.01.2009
H. Mecking - R. Kasimdzhanov
A. Motylev - A. Volokitin
D. Navara - N. Short
Z. Efimenko - D. Reinderman
F. Caruana - K. Sasikiran
J. Werle - Hou Yifan
F. Vallejo Pons - E. l'Ami
Round 12 - Saturday 31.01.2009
R. Kasimdzhanov - E. l'Ami
Hou Yifan - F. Vallejo Pons
K. Sasikiran - J. Werle
D. Reinderman - F. Caruana
N. Short - Z. Efimenko
A. Volokitin - D. Navara
H. Mecking - A. Motylev
Round 13 - Sunday 1.02.2009
A. Motylev - R. Kasimdzhanov
D. Navara - H. Mecking
Z. Efimenko - A. Volokitin
F. Caruana - N. Short
J. Werle - D. Reinderman
F. Vallejo Pons - K. Sasikiran
E. l'Ami - Hou Yifan

Schedule & results Grandmaster Group C

Round 1 - Saturday 17.01.2009
T. Hillarp Persson - R. Pruijssers ¬?-¬?
D. Howell - M. Bosboom 0-1
F. Nijboer - W. So 0-1
O. Romanishin - A. Bitalzadeh 1-0
A. Giri - F. Holzke ¬?-¬?
A. Gupta - D. Harika 0-1
E. Iturrizaga - M. Leon Hoyos 1-0
Round 2 - Sunday 18.01.2009
R. Pruijssers - M. Leon Hoyos 1-0
D. Harika - E. Iturrizaga ¬?-¬?
F. Holzke - A. Gupta ¬?-¬?
A. Bitalzadeh - A. Giri ¬?-¬?
W. So - O. Romanishin ¬?-¬?
M. Bosboom - F. Nijboer 1-0
T. Hillarp Persson - D. Howell 1-0
Round 3 - Monday 19.01.2009
D. Howell - R. Pruijssers 1-0
F. Nijboer - T. Hillarp Persson ¬?-¬?
O. Romanishin - M. Bosboom ¬?-¬?
A. Giri - W. So ¬?-¬?
A. Gupta - A. Bitalzadeh 0-1
E. Iturrizaga - F. Holzke 1-0
M. Leon Hoyos - D. Harika 1-0
Round 4 - Tuesday 20.01.2009
R. Pruijssers - D. Harika ¬?-¬?
F. Holzke - M. Leon Hoyos 1-0
A. Bitalzadeh - E. Iturrizaga 1-0
W. So - A. Gupta ¬?-¬?
M. Bosboom - A. Giri ¬?-¬?
T. Hillarp Persson - O. Romanishin 1-0
D. Howell - F. Nijboer 1-0
Round 5 - Thursday 22.01.2009
F. Nijboer - R. Pruijssers 1-0
O. Romanishin - D. Howell 0-1
A. Giri - T. Hillarp Persson 0-1
A. Gupta - M. Bosboom 1-0
E. Iturrizaga - W. So 0-1
M. Leon Hoyos - A. Bitalzadeh 1-0
D. Harika - F. Holzke ¬?-¬?
Round 6 - Friday 23.01.2009
R. Pruijssers - F. Holzke
A. Bitalzadeh - D. Harika
W. So - M. Leon Hoyos
M. Bosboom - E. Iturrizaga
T. Hillarp Persson - A. Gupta
D. Howell - A. Giri
F. Nijboer - O. Romanishin
Round 7 - Saturday 24.01.2009
O. Romanishin - R. Pruijssers
A. Giri - F. Nijboer
A. Gupta - D. Howell
E. Iturrizaga - T. Hillarp Persson
M. Leon Hoyos - M. Bosboom
D. Harika - W. So
F. Holzke - A. Bitalzadeh
Round 8 - Sunday 25.01.2009
R. Pruijssers - A. Bitalzadeh
W. So - F. Holzke
M. Bosboom - D. Harika
T. Hillarp Persson - M. Leon Hoyos
D. Howell - E. Iturrizaga
F. Nijboer - A. Gupta
O. Romanishin - A. Giri
Round 9 - Tuesday 27.01.2009
A. Giri - R. Pruijssers
A. Gupta - O. Romanishin
E. Iturrizaga - F. Nijboer
M. Leon Hoyos - D. Howell
D. Harika - T. Hillarp Persson
F. Holzke - M. Bosboom
A. Bitalzadeh - W. So
Round 10 - Wednesday 28.01.2009
R. Pruijssers - W. So
M. Bosboom - A. Bitalzadeh
T. Hillarp Persson - F. Holzke
D. Howell - D. Harika
F. Nijboer - M. Leon Hoyos
O. Romanishin - E. Iturrizaga
A. Giri - A. Gupta
Round 11 - Friday 30.01.2009
A. Gupta - R. Pruijssers
E. Iturrizaga - A. Giri
M. Leon Hoyos - O. Romanishin
D. Harika - F. Nijboer
F. Holzke - D. Howell
A. Bitalzadeh - T. Hillarp Persson
W. So - M. Bosboom
Round 12 - Saturday 31.01.2009
R. Pruijssers - M. Bosboom
T. Hillarp Persson - W. So
D. Howell - A. Bitalzadeh
F. Nijboer - F. Holzke
O. Romanishin - D. Harika
A. Giri - M. Leon Hoyos
A. Gupta - E. Iturrizaga
Round 13 - Sunday 1.02.2009
E. Iturrizaga - R. Pruijssers
M. Leon Hoyos - A. Gupta
D. Harika - A. Giri
F. Holzke - O. Romanishin
A. Bitalzadeh - F. Nijboer
W. So - D. Howell
M. Bosboom - T. Hillarp Persson

Peter Doggers

Peter Doggers joined a chess club a month before turning 15 and still plays for it. He used to be an active tournament player and holds two IM norms. Peter has a Master of Arts degree in Dutch Language & Literature. He briefly worked at New in Chess, then as a Dutch teacher and then in a project for improving safety and security in Amsterdam schools. Between 2007 and 2013 Peter was running ChessVibes, a major source for chess news and videos acquired by in October 2013. As our Director News & Events, Peter writes many of our news reports. In the summer of 2022, The Guardian’s Leonard Barden described him as “widely regarded as the world’s best chess journalist.”

Peter's first book The Chess Revolution is out now!

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