Corus Round 7 - Movsesian In Joint Lead

Corus Round 7 - Movsesian In Joint Lead

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Sergei Movsesian (pictured) has left it relatively late in life to break through at the very top levels of chess, but the 30 year-old moved into a share of first place in Round 7 at Wijk Aan Zee by beating Vassily Ivanchuk (who at 39, has been among the elite for around 2 decades now!)

Very well done to Movsesian, but can someone please tell Ivanchuk to stop getting into ridiculous time trouble in most of his games?  Yet again he had to blitz out his last 10-15 moves and this time they were not good enough.

In the only other decisive game in the A Group, Morozevich' luck changed as his opponent Jan Smeets let a good position slip away and eventually blundered in the ending.  Gata Kamsky disappointingly failed to convert a winning position against Daniel Stellwagen when he failed to avoid a series of checks.

Although there have been a lot of exciting games so far, there have also been some non-games such as today's 15 move draw between Adams and Radjabov, and an 18 move draw between Karjakin and Aronian.  Fans and sponsors can't have classic encounters in every game, but they should at least expect a real game.  There are already rest days scheduled during the Corus tournament, so there is no excuse for the players to effectively 'pass' and not bother to play.

Elsewhere, there were plenty of decisive games in the B Group, where Nigel Short won a fine game against Kasimdzhanov to take the sole lead on 5/7.  It was also nice to see the veteran Henrique Mecking get his first win of the tournament against Sasikiran.

In the C Group, Tiger Hillarp Persson beat Eduardo Itturrizaga to join Wesley So in the lead on 5/7.  But spare a thought for Manuel Bosboom whose spectacular Queen sacrifice deserved to work, but he eventually lost his game.

The results in round 7:


Karjakin, Sergey   Aronian, Levon   ½-½   18 Ruy Lopez Closed
Dominguez Perez, Leinier  Wang Yue ½-½  35 Ruy Lopez Berlin
Van Wely, Loek  Carlsen, Magnus ½-½  37 English Opening
Adams, Michael  Radjabov, Teimour ½-½  15 Sicilian Rossolimo
Kamsky, Gata  Stellwagen, Daniel ½-½  71 Sicilian Scheveningen
Morozevich, Alexander  Smeets, Jan 1-0  49 Slav Defence
Ivanchuk, Vassily  Movsesian, Sergei 0-1  35 Sicilian Scheveningen

Short, Nigel D   Kasimdzhanov, Rustam   1-0   50 Giuoco Piano
Caruana, Fabiano  Werle, Jan 1-0  40 Ruy Lopez Closed
Motylev, Alexander  Hou Yifan 1-0  44 Sicilian Wing Gambit
Volokitin, Andrei  Reinderman, Dimitri 1-0  46 Dutch Leningrad
Navara, David  L'Ami, Erwin  0-1  42 Nimzo Indian
Efimenko, Zahar  Vallejo Pons, Francisco ½-½  43 Sicilian Rauzer
Mecking, Henrique  Sasikiran, Krishnan 1-0  38 Anti-Meran

Gupta, Abhijeet   Howell, David W L   1-0   57 Gruenfeld
Harika, Dronavalli  So, Wesley ½-½  45 Slav Defence
Holzke, Frank  Bitalzadeh, Ali ½-½  12 Blumenfeld Counter Gambit
Giri, Anish  Nijboer, Friso ½-½  34 Dutch Leningrad
Leon Hoyos, Manuel  Bosboom, Manuel 1-0  54 Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Romanishin, Oleg M  Pruijssers, Roeland ½-½  21 Ruy Lopez Moeller Defence
Iturrizaga, Eduardo  Hillarp Persson, Tiger 0-1  44 Unusual Replies to 1.d4

The standings after round 7:


1 Karjakin, Sergey   UKR   2706   
2 Movsesian, Sergei  SVK  2751  
3 Aronian, Levon  ARM  2750 4
4 Radjabov, Teimour  AZE  2761 4
5 Dominguez Perez, Leinier  CUB  2717 4
6 Carlsen, Magnus  NOR  2776  
7 Van Wely, Loek  NED  2625  
8 Smeets, Jan  NED  2601  
9 Adams, Michael  ENG  2712  
10 Kamsky, Gata  USA  2725  
11 Stellwagen, Daniel  NED  2612 3
12 Wang Yue  CHN  2739  
13 Morozevich, Alexander  RUS  2771  
14 Ivanchuk, Vassily  UKR  2779  


1 Short, Nigel D   ENG   2663 5
2 Caruana, Fabiano  ITA  2646  
3 Motylev, Alexander  RUS  2676  
4 Volokitin, Andrei  UKR  2671  
5 Navara, David  CZE  2638 4
6 Efimenko, Zahar  UKR  2688 4
7 Kasimdzhanov, Rustam  UZB  2687 4
8 Vallejo Pons, Francisco  ESP  2702  
9 L'Ami, Erwin  NED  2603 3
10 Sasikiran, Krishnan  IND  2711  
11 Werle, Jan  NED  2607  
12 Reinderman, Dimitri  NED  2549  
13 Hou Yifan  CHN  2571  
14 Mecking, Henrique  BRA  2567 2


1 So, Wesley   PHI   2627 5
2 Hillarp Persson, Tiger  SWE  2586 5
3 Gupta, Abhijeet  IND  2569  
4 Bosboom, Manuel  NED  2418 4
5 Harika, Dronavalli  IND  2473  
6 Bitalzadeh, Ali  NED  2400  
7 Holzke, Frank  GER  2524  
8 Howell, David W L  ENG  2622  
9 Giri, Anish  RUS  2469 3
10 Leon Hoyos, Manuel  MEX  2542 3
11 Romanishin, Oleg M  UKR  2533 3
12 Pruijssers, Roeland  NED  2444  
13 Iturrizaga, Eduardo  VEN  2528  
14 Nijboer, Friso  NED  2560  

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