
Daily puzzle 033007

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Daily puzzle 033007 What would you play as White? The solution will be published tomorrow.

Yesterday's solution: Daily puzzle 03290718.Ba5!! Qe8 [18...Qxa5 19.Qd5+-] 19.Qd5 Ra4 20.Bc3 Kh8 21.Rab1 Rf8 22.Rb8 d6 23.Ng5!? Bxg5 [23...Qg6? 24.Rxc8! Rxc8 25.Nf7++-] 24.Qxg5 Qf7 25.e5 Rg4 [25...d5 26.e6! Bxe6 27.Qxg7+! Qxg7 28.Rxf8+ Bg8 29.Bxg7+ Kxg7] 26.Qe3 Tyomkin - Shevelev, Beer-Sheva (rapid) 2005, and now Black should have played 26?¢‚Ǩ¬¶ d5! 27.Qxc5 (27.e6 Qe7) 27...Rxg2+! 28.Kxg2 Qf3+ met remise.

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